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(I know the dress doesn't fit the time line but just pretend it does :))

Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful blue sky. Not a single could in sight. I realized I was laying down and sat up. I was in a field of Lillie's. Where was i?

"Lune" I heard a smooth voice say. The French accent familiar as ever. I turn my head and see my mom and dad. I smile widely and run towards them, engulfing them in a tight hug. Tears leaking from my eyes at the fact they didn't vanish like last time.  Pulled away and my dad wiped away my tears with his thumb. I leaned into his touch.

"We are so proud of you" He says tearing up. I smile.

"We knew you would find you way around. That you would find your purpose in life. My beautiful fairy" Mom says. Now that I hear the word come of her tongue my eyes widen. She used to call me that at a kid! I remember that now!

"You knew I was the dark Wings fairy" I breathe out. Mom tucks a hair behind my ear.

"Of course we knew. It took years of research to find out why you were different. Sadly we didn't have enough time to tell you" Dad says sadly.

"Well now you can tell me all about it!" I say excited. The two exchange looks.

"I'm afraid you cannot stay my darling" Mom says smiling small.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking between the two. Dad chuckles.

"It is not your time yet my dear. Your friends still need you. It's not over yet" He says. I see their feet begin to fade away and I look around me to see that everything started turning into dust.

"No! Please don't leave me again!" I sob.

"You will do extraordinary things Lune. Remember, we love you so much" my mom says before they disappear completely. I fall to my knees.

I shoot up and clunk heads with someone. The person and I groan and I rub my head. I open my eyes to see literally everyone looking at me with wide smiles. I give an awkward wave. I notice that the person I smacked heads with is Steve. Before I can say anything he kisses me. I hear a whistle and I break apart embarrassed.

"What...happened?" I ask standing up.I see a few people duck.

"Woah take it easy with those things" Jonathan says. I look behind me and I see my leather black wings sprawled out. I hear a chuckle from beside him and my eyes begin to water.

"Will!" I say hugging him tightly. My wings wrapping around us too. He laughs. God I've missed that laugh. I let him breathe and take a step back.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Almost three weeks. Your wings wouldn't go away after you closed the gate" Dustin says.

"Yeah you scared the shit out of us. After you wouldn't wake up we thought you died. We checked Dustin's book and it said "the Dark wings fairy was never seen again after"" Mike says. I laugh.

"Cant get rid of me that easily" I wink quoting my words from three weeks ago. I give my wings a small flap before putting them away and then stretched. I heard my back crack. Man that felt good.


Today was the day of the Snowball. I was helping Will get ready. He was wearing a white button down and a vest with a brown blazer.

"You nervous? Oh! what if a girl asks you to dance?!" I Gasp. His eyes widen and he chuckles embarrassed.

"I-I don't know how to dance" he says.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now