"sigh.." i look out the window of my car watching the rain drops
I see a couple and a guy is holding an umbrella for his girlfriend as they walk smiling and laughing at each other
I turn away and grab my earphones out my bag before putting on the song "Breathe" by Leehee
My mom pulls into my school and stops by the entrance
I get out and stare at her expectantly
She looks at me coldly before driving off
"It's always the same.. what did I expect.." I open my umbrella and head into class
I sit in my seat in the back alone.. without an hello
The teacher walks in to start the class and i once again look out the window
I start daydreaming ---
the car pulls to a stop in front of my school
I get out the car and my mom rolls down her window
"Have a nice day sweetie I love you!!" she says with a bright smile
"Okay I love you too mom" I smile back
"BOO!" arms come from behind me
"AHH!" i scream and turn around
its my friends and we walk into school with each other
while in class we giggle and joke around
"Y/n look who's staring at you~"my friends tease
"Who?" I turn to look at them and see a bit of pink hair
Im abruptly taken out of my daydream by the school bellI get up and go to lunch
I watch as most of the other kids take out handmade lunches or snacks from their parents
I grab the lunch from the lunch lady
"hmm burgers today.." I walk to the courtyard and sit on the bench to read and eat
I see that my favorite online series updated so i read it
"insos law.. i wish that happened to me" but that never happens for people like me
I check the clock and its time to go back so i throw away my trash and go to my class
Its the end of the school day and i just got home after walking here
"ack colddd~!!" I hurry and close the door
I put up my umbrella and go the the kitchen to find a note
"theres soup and 20 dollars your dad should come home today." it reads
"Same as always.. he never comes home"
It quickly became nighttime so i got ready for bed and laid down
I read a bit more before deciding to try and sleep "goodnight me.."
I start daydreaming again-
"I'm homee~~!" I say happily
"Oh gosh..! Why did you walk in this rain I thought you said you were riding with one of your friends" My mom says and quickly turns on the heater
"Sorry sorry I just wanted to walk today.. I like the rain" I look around
"I made food hurry sit sit~~!" my mom says
I sit and then I hear the door open
"I'm home!" says my dad
"Honey quickly sit~!" my mom tells him
we all eat while talking and laughing
then it became night
"Goodnight sweetie we love you" My parents smile at me
--- daydream end
"I love you too.." i whisper into the air
i start tearing up before fully sobbing
"I wish I could live a fun life.. full of romance,friends, and a loving family.." I fall asleep not long after I say that
BOOM *thunder*
My alarm buzzes and I reluctantly get up "ugh.. shut up" I wack it and open my eyes a bit before flopping back down onto my bed
"wait-" I quickly get up and my eyes dart open
"WHERE AM I?!? WHOS ROOM IS THIS?!?" I look around and see a nicely decorated room that's completely different from mines
I hear someone running towards the room
I pull the blankets closer "omgwhatifitsamudererkidnapper"
the door swings open and I see an unfamiliar girl "Y/N IS EVERYTHING OK?!?"

second chance at love
Fantasy~a marked by king bs fan fiction~ Y/n was unhappy because of her life that has always been shit .. if you could even call it a life. One night she wished she was a normal highschool girl who could experience love and other things and cried herself...