Cruce di Rasoio

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Maya had resigned from the department after her demotion. She had been working at the bar on 33rd street for a few months now, alternating between the bartending and dishwashing positions. She felt humiliated and belittled, everything she had ever worked so hard for suddenly gone. She hated her new life and that hate had started to put a strain on her marriage. Carina spent most of her days and nights alone, only seeing the blonde on their occasional day off together. Maya's typical work night ended at five a.m, unless she was tasked with working the register. That task would add an extra hour or two to her already exhausting night, leaving her there well past sunrise. Today was one of those days, Maya had been tasked with the register once again. She was struggling to make the numbers match. The amount that was in the register did not add up with the amount of sales they had made.

"What the fuck!" she yelled. Maya was convinced that one of her coworkers was sticking their hands in the register when no one was looking. She continued her endless counting for another hour before finally being cleared to go home.

On the other side of town, Carina had already been awake for a few hours. Already having made breakfast and cleaned up around the house, she decided to throw on a new lingerie set she had bought in hopes of rekindling her relationship with her wife. The doctor wore a red lacy panty and bra set and laid seductively as she waited for Maya to come home. Carina looked over at the clock and noticed that Maya was already thirty minutes later than usual. "She must have worked the register," she muttered, so she picked up her phone and started scrolling through it until she heard the lock on the front door begin to turn. The Italian quickly resumed her original position as the blonde made her way through to the bedroom.

The doctor laid flat on her stomach as she rested her chin in her hands with her feet up in the air, slightly kicking them back and forth. The dim candle light hit her eyes in a way that highlighted their deep desire, a seductive smirk plastered across her face.

"Not today Carina, I'm too tired," she sighed apologetically, making her way into the bathroom to take a much needed shower before going to bed. The brunette slowly got up letting out a defeated sigh as she made her way into the kitchen to finish her coffee. Carina looks at the clock once again, sighing at the realization that it was now time to get ready for work. She made her way back into the bedroom to get ready for her day, trying her best to be as quiet as she possibly could so as to not wake up Maya.

"Goodnight, bambina," she whispered. Carina softly placed a kiss to her wifes forehead, grabbing her keys off of the nightstand and making her way out of the apartment. She walked over to her car quickly getting comfortable in her seat as she started the engine. Carina sat there, a blank stare across her face, contemplating everything that had just happened. The doctor slammed her fists against the steering wheel, shedding a few tears of frustration as she screamed. They had lost their once irrevocable connection. The old Maya would have jumped at the opportunity she was presented with this morning. Carina didn't know how much longer she could take it. She was living a very lonely life, not only had she lost her brother but she was now slowly and painfully losing her wife. She made her way toward Grey Sloan, going about her day as normally as she could. Everyone around her noticed the gradual mood change, having gone from her once happy go lucky self to a now empty shell. Amelia picked up on the doctor's sudden change and decided to treat her friend to drinks after shift.

"Amelia you don't drink," chuckled Carina.

"Just because I don't doesn't mean you can't! Come on, it'll do you well I think," begged Amelia.

"Okay fine! I'll have to go home and change first though," agreed Carina.

"Yes! Meet me at that new little bar on the corner of 33rd and Broadway," Amelia responded excitedly.

"Maybe I'll finally see my wife," she responded as she walked in the opposite direction. Her and Amelia had gotten close over the last few months. She was one of the only people that knew about Maya's career change since the blonde had chosen to keep it from as many people as she could. Carina understood how much of a slippery slope this new bond between her and Amelia was, since the neurosurgeon had previously confessed to having a slight crush on her. However, she was the only person that remained consistent in Carina's life, so she decided to risk it and give the friendship a try.

The remainder of the doctor's shift ran smoothly. She made her way back home in hopes to catch Maya before she had to go back into work for the night, but when she got there she was greeted with nothing other than an empty bed. "Of course," she sighed and walked over to her closet to pick out an outfit for her night out with one of her best friends.

In the meantime, Maya was across town setting up for her shift. It was Friday night so she expected it to be fairly busy. Everything was as expected, the place was bustling, new customers as well as regulars. Maya was running back and forth between the register and the bar since one of her coworkers had called in sick. Just as she was about to pour the last drink before her break the police burst through the door and ordered everyone to get on the floor. Turns out the bar owners had been laundering money, using the now popular bar as a front for their family business. The blonde was let go a few hours later, about ten minutes earlier than when her shift would normally end, the cops not having anything to hold her on. She was making her way down the empty and poorly lit street when she noticed a couple at a distance engaged in what seemed to be a very hot make out session. The two women stood at the entrance of a small alleyway hidden by the darkness of the cold winter's night. She quietly inched her way closer, hoping to not interrupt as she made her way past them. She could make out two brunettes, one slightly taller than the other. The blonde's heart sank as she noticed who it was, a car illuminating the couple's faces. It was Carina. Her beloved wife was standing there with another woman. Shots rang out from the passing car. Someone had recognized her from the bar and found the need to keep her quiet, despite Maya not knowing anything about the day's occurrences.

Carina instantly separated from the woman in front of her, whipping her head in the opposite direction trying to figure out what had just happened. She looked at the person who now laid faced down on the sidewalk a few feet away from them. It was a woman.

"Call 911!" she instructed, practically throwing her phone at the other woman. She ran over to where the injured person laid. Her heart started racing when she noticed the now bloodstained blonde hair and a black and orange backpack just like the one Maya wore. Carina carefully rolled her over and moved her hair out of her face.

"Maya? Maya! No, no, no, no, stay with me, please bambina," Carina pleaded as she placed pressure on the two entry wounds on Maya's chest.

"Please bambina! Please! I can't do this again!" she sobbed. It took a while for Maya to register who was now kneeling over her, but when she did she smiled. It was the one and only person she wanted to see one last time.

"Hi beautiful," she smiled weakly as she brought her hand up to Carina's cheek.

"Ciao bella," Carina responded, her tears never ceasing to fall.

"Oh my god, Maya?!" yelled the other woman as she kneeled next to Carina. Maya looked between the two, never removing her hand from her wife's face. It was Amelia that Carina had been with, she was the second brunette in the alleyway. The Italian's face dropped, noticing the connection that Maya had just made. She regretted it from the moment it happened but couldn't get herself to pull away. She was lonely. She craved the physical touch that Amelia provided and Maya had refused. Despite the state she was in, Maya ran her thumb across Carina's cheek wiping away her tears before speaking up.

"I forgive you. I'll love you forever," groaned the blonde as she let out her last breath, her hand slowly falling limp. The sound of the sirens slowly growing closer.

"I love you Maya." 

a/n: I apologize for doing this again. I promise it will be the last time! I had this idea and I just couldn't let it go, so here it is. Let me know what you think! As always, comment and VOTE!

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