The Letter

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"Wow, Andy this is beautiful," Maya said as the Latina showed her the wedding venue. The day she would marry the love of her life was finally here. It was an outdoor venue chosen by Vic and Andy. The architecture was made up of brown bricks that resembled typical Italian architecture, the floor made of cobblestone. One section held a small arch decorated with both Maya and Carina's favorite flowers. In front of that sat several rows of chairs for their guests to sit during the ceremony. As they made their way further into the setting, there was a long table where the newlyweds and their guests would feast. The table was filled with various types of glass and dinnerware as well as centerpieces that contained the same flowers as the arch they would be married under. Being the closest thing that the couple had to a father figure, they decided that Ben would be the one to marry them as Andy stood in as Maya's maid of honor and Vic as Carina's.

*added a pic cause I suck at descriptions*

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*added a pic cause I suck at descriptions*

"The best for the best," smiled Andy. The pair made their way over to Maya's changing room. Andy helped the blonde get herself ready for the big day. She wore a white halter top dress that ran down to her ankles, a slit down the back of her legs. It hugged her body tightly, accentuating every curve. Maya had decided to wear her hair down, having tucked some of it behind her ears. Her make up was simple, opting for a natural look. She anticipated crying most of it off so there was no point in being extravagant.

"One more thing," said Andy, stopping the blonde from leaving the room.

"The photographer is waiting for us, it's time for the first look!" responded Maya as she pointed at the clock.

"I know but it won't take long. I promised I would give you this on your wedding day. It's from Andrew. Sometimes I think that he knew he wouldn't be at his sister's wedding. Like he expected his death," she said, handing the blonde an envelope.

"What is this?" asked Maya.

"I don't know, but he made me swear that I would give it to you on your wedding day. He was so adamant that you would marry her," she chuckled.

" I'll leave you to it," she continued before making her way out into the hallway.

"I feel like the Andreas are conspiring against me," mumbled the blonde, looking down at the envelope. It was addressed to her but it didn't have her name, instead it read ' to my favorite girlfriend my sister's ever had' written in the doctor's messy handwriting.

"Uuugh, I really hate you right now" she grunted as she tilted her head back, trying to keep herself from letting any tears fall. She flipped the envelope over and nervously slid her finger under the flap, tearing it open. She pulled out the folded up letter, taking in a deep breath.

Hey Cap,

I hate that you're reading this. I really wanted to be there for my sister's big day, but by the looks of things, I guess Opal ended up getting the best of me. Please don't let Carina blame herself for my death. I would have done it either way and if I had the chance I would do it again. I am writing this letter as I sit here in my hospital bed, waiting for Carina to come back with her coffee. Knowing her she probably went to the cart at the front of the hospital so she won't be back for a good while. I could probably write this letter three times over and she would still be gone. Anyway, please tell her that the doctors did everything they could for me. I know they did. I left Andy instructions to give you this letter on your wedding day. It's something I wish I could have said in person but you know, such is life. She means everything to me Maya. She is all I have left. She has a heart of gold and you must treat it as such. Consider yourself lucky as she doesn't let just anyone in. She's the best thing you'll ever have. You must be very special for her to contemplate giving you her heart entirely, and if she does, take it and don't break it.

Let your arms be a place she feels safe in. She always has trouble falling asleep and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets. She loves pop songs and dancing and bad trash TV. And I really do mean bad TV. The Kardashian's? Come on! I can feel my brain melting just thinking about it. There's a few other things that make her special too. She loves love notes and babies, and likes giving gifts. She will forever have a hard time accepting a good compliment (you can thank my dad for that one). She loves her whole family and all of her friends. So if you are truly the one she lets in please take it. On the days when it feels like her world is caving in stand side by side and I'm sure you will make it. Kiss her with passion as much as you can. Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad, and when she doesn't notice how pretty she is tell her over and over so she never forgets. She'll love you if you love her like that. So take that heart of gold and treat it as such. Protect it like I have, it's all that I ask. I can't do it anymore so it's your turn. Take care of her Maya as if she was the most precious thing in the world. 

Your favorite brother in law,

Andrew DeLuca

"I promise," whispered the blonde as she looked up at the sky, tears running down her cheeks. She folded the letter back up, placing it on the inside of her dress over her heart. She hoped that this would help her feel a bit closer to the youngest Italian.  The blonde touched up her make up slightly before making her way out to her beautiful wife. 

a/n: yes, it is based on that one song ahahaha. Hope you like it! Not really sure if I do honestly but I thought it would be a fun idea to write about. As always, comment and VOTE!

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