Una Vida Sin Ti

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a/n : I'm sorry ahead of time. Please don't forget to comment and vote! 

The DeLuca-Bishop Family was spending a rare quiet evening at home. Maya and Carina's hectic lives as first responders and medical professionals often left little room for such peaceful moments. Tonight was different, though. The kids, Liam and Andrea, were sitting at the dining table, their books and papers spread out in front of them. Maya was in the middle of helping Liam with his math homework, his brow furrowed in concentration as she explained the concept of fractions. Carina was in the kitchen, preparing a simple pasta dinner, her movements calm and practiced. She glanced over at Maya and the kids every now and then, a soft smile on her lips. The warmth and love she felt for her family filled the room, making the evening feel almost magical.

"Mommy, I don't get it," Liam said, his voice tinged with frustration. "Why do we have to divide the pizza into so many pieces?"

Maya chuckled, reaching over to ruffle Liam's hair. "It's just a way to understand fractions better. Imagine we have a pizza, and we want to share it equally among all of us. If we cut it into six pieces, each piece is a fraction of the whole pizza."

Liam's face lit up with understanding. "Oh, like when we share pizza on movie night!"

"Exactly," Maya replied, her smile widening. "You got it, kiddo."

Andrea, who had been working on her spelling words, looked up and grinned. "Mommy, you're good at teaching. Maybe you should be a teacher instead of a firefighter."

Maya laughed, the sound filling the room with joy. "Oh, I'm sure mamma would love that," she chuckled, "I'll stick to fighting fires. But thanks for the vote of confidence."

Carina joined them at the table, placing a bowl of pasta in front of each of them. "Dinner's ready. Let's eat before it gets cold."As they sat together, sharing stories and laughter over their meal, the love and bond between them grew even stronger. They talked about their plans for the weekend, the kids' upcoming school projects, and even their dream vacation to Italy.

Later that night, after the kids were tucked into bed, Maya and Carina found themselves on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow around them. They talked about their future, their hopes and dreams, and how grateful they were for the life they had built together.

Maya's eyes softened as she looked at Carina. "I love you more than anything, you know that?"

Carina nodded. "I love you too, Maya. Always."

The blonde's eyes filled with tears as she gently caressed her wife's cheek. She placed a kiss on the brunette's forehead, taking in the sweet scent of her shampoo.

"Bamina?" Carina was worried. The sudden emotional outpour being something rare for Maya. "Is everything okay?" she asked. Maya nestled herself into the Italian's side, her face buried in the crook of her neck.

"I went to see the notary last week, so if anything ever happens to me at work everything should be good to go now," she started.


"No, please listen. I need you to know this," interrupted Maya. Carina nodded, pulling Maya a little closer. She understood what she had signed up for the moment she decided to be with Maya, but the thought of ever losing her wife, of not getting the chance to grow old with her by her side was simply unfathomable.

"I put what was left of my earnings from the Olympics in a trust for the kids. I've been adding to it ever since we found out about Andrea. There isn't much in there right now but I plan on investing in it as much as I can. All the info is in the safe in the closet. If it comes down to keeping me on a vent, I want you to let me go, okay?" Carina nodded, tears streaming down her face. This was the most difficult conversation the couple had had in all the years that they had been together, but an important one nonetheless. Maya continued, explaining where Carina would find any documents or information she needed something Carina already knew. She could sense this was something that Maya needed to get off her mind and so she listened.

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