Late Night Cravings

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"Maya? Maya? Maya?!" I yelled, shaking the blonde.

"What?! Is it the baby? What's wrong?" she responded as she sat up.

Maya immediately placed both of her hands around my now huge belly, trying to make sure that everything was okay.

"Mi piacciono le olive," I responded with a sweet and pleasing smile on my face. Maya just stared at me in disbelief, not being able to make sense of my ridiculous request at such an absurd time.

"Baby, it's 3am. Where am I supposed to get olives?" She asked. A loud sigh indicating just how frustrated she was with my untimely demand.

"Think of our little angel," I smiled as I rubbed my belly, earning yet another sigh from the blonde. She got up and quietly made her way into the kitchen, trying her best not to wake the sleeping boy in the neighboring room. The past couple of nights had been completely restless for little Andrea. He had probably slept a total of 10 hours over the course of three days after having come down with a terrible case of the flu. The past few days had been filled with aches and pains, as well as a persistent cough that kept both him and us awake for most of the night. And now, much to Maya's dismay, it was my turn to keep her up with my somewhat ridiculous cravings. Ridiculous because of their inconvenient timing.

"Please?" I pouted knowingly. This was a look that never failed to get me what I wanted. It worked every time.

"Don't do that! Ugh fine. I'll be back," she said, getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

Maya POV:

I tiptoed my way into the kitchen and silently poured myself a glass of water, hoping that when I opened the fridge there would be a jar of olives sitting on the shelf. Much to my surprise there wasn't. I made my way back into the bedroom with the closest thing I was able to find in our virtually empty fridge.

"This is all we have," I said as I sleepily handed Carina a half empty jar of pickles. I stripped down to my underwear once again and laid my head back into my pillow, sighing in content.

"Pickles? But I wanted olives," she sniffled.

"Are you crying?" I asked as I moved back up onto my elbows.

"I can't help it, okay? I just really want some olives," she cried.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll go get you the olives," I said. She smiled and placed an ever loving kiss onto my lips. I got out of bed and grabbed a hoodie and sweats, putting them back on before making my way out the door.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to find olives right now," I sighed as I drove around the neighborhood. I drove for what seemed like hours, stopping at shop after shop, all of them closed.

"Gas station it is," I mumbled as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Hey, do you carry olives?" I asked the attendant.

"Olives?" She chuckled, "no sorry"

"Uggh, do you happen to know where I can find some right now? My very pregnant wife is going to kill me if I come home without them," I sighed.

"Um no I'm sorry, but good luck," she laughed.

"Yeah, thanks," I sighed, making my way back to the car.

"Why couldn't it have been McDonald's or..I don't know a fucking candy bar or donuts! Something easy! But nooo it had to be olives," I ranted as I continued to drive around in hopes of finding an open store, and if there was one, that it carried olives as well.

"Please have olives, please have olives," I pleaded. I pulled into the first available parking spot, grabbing my wallet and keys before walking into the last gas station in the area. I was about to drive past it when I noticed the light up sign on the wall that read Deli, giving me a slight bit of hope.

"Please, please tell me you have olives," I said as I walked up to the man behind the counter.

"I'm sorry what?" he chuckled.

"My wife is pregnant and is craving olives. We didn't have any at home and so, here I am," I added. The man looked at me in amusement, letting out a small chuckle at my current situation.

"I remember my wife's random late night cravings. Luckily for me it was always something we had at home. Listen, we usually do have olives but our deli fridges went out yesterday and we had to throw everything out. I'm sorry," he responded. I let out a defeated sigh. This was the last place within a reasonable distance that could possibly have olives. The next one was about a twenty minute drive away.

"Thanks anyway," I yawned.

I continued on my search for olives, eventually stopping in an empty parking lot to try and figure out my next destination.

"Aaaaaah what the fuck tastes like a goddamn olive!?" I yelled, banging my head against the steering wheel. That's when it hit me.

"Oh my god, why didn't I think of this sooner. Come on Maya, you both visit this place constantly!" I cheered as the engine roared to life.

"Now if you play this right you'll also get a small treat out of this," I laughed as I pulled into the parking lot. I crossed my fingers. This was the last place I knew of, my last hope, and I wasn't entirely sure that they would be open. I pulled up to the front and let out a sigh of relief at the beautiful neon sign in front of me.

"Open twenty four hours," I pulled off my seatbelt and raced my way through the door. The sooner this was done and over with, the sooner I could get some sleep.

"Hi, can I get a meat lover's personal pizza, but can you add black olives to that please. Like tons and tons of olives. As many as you can put on there, please," I smiled. The girl behind the counter looked at me as if I were crazy, and honestly I couldn't blame her. I watched eagerly as a second employee prepared my absurd order, cascading the tiny pizza with an insane amount of olives.

"Gross, it's gonna take a lot to pick those off," I failed to realize that I would now have the task of separating the olives from my once incredible pizza. I also didn't realize that the olives would now be soft and warm. I hope she doesn't mind.

"Here you go, have a good night," said the girl as she handed me my pizza along with an extra box for me to put my olives in. I sat in my car for an additional ten minutes picking every single olive out of the piping hot cheese. I swear I had several first degree burns on my fingertips after this ordeal. I made the drive back home, nibbling on my pizza as a reward for enduring tonight's epic adventures. I pulled into the driveway and noticed that all the lights were now off.

"Oof, I swear to god if she's asleep," I mumbled as I fidgeted with the keys. I quietly made my way upstairs, careful to avoid all of the squeaky steps so that I wouldn't wake up Andrea.

"Carina?" I whispered, no response.

"Babe?" I tried once again, turning on a small light. There she was, sound asleep, the most angelic look on her face as tiny snores escaped her mouth.

"You're lucky I love you," I chuckled, placing the box of olives on Carina's bedside table. I made my way around, laying into my now ice cold pillow.

"Goodnight my little loves, sweet dreams," I turned off the light and pulled the brunette into me, holding her tightly as sleep slowly overcame me. I would do anything for this woman. Even if that meant going on an hour long search for olives at 3 am.

a/n: debated publishing this as a oneshot tbh, but I thought it was too cute not to. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! As always, don't forget to VOTE!

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