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a/n: This one shot deals with various difficult topics, so please read at your own risk. I wrote this with one idea in mind and it ended up going in a completely different direction. I do not mean for this to be offensive in any way so if it is, please let me know and I will fix it. 


"I'll get you your money in two weeks, please. I need it," begged Maya.

"We all need something blondie. Plus, this ain't no bar, I can't just open a tab for you, so you either have the money or you don't," said the boy. He couldn't be any older than twenty years old. Maya had been going to him on and off for the past three years. He worked on the corner of 33rd and Washington, an area infamous for it's gang and drug activity. Maya had met him shortly after her injury. The team had been called to a five alarm fire where a large beam had landed on the blonde's leg. The hospital had prescribed her a small supply of opiates to help with the pain; however, Maya quickly discovered that the pills not only helped with the physical pain but the emotional one as well. It helped her shut off her brain and for a moment she didn't have to deal with everything she had dragged along with her since she was a child. For a while, she didn't exist and neither did anyone around her. She no longer lived with the guilt of having cheated on Carina, or with the guilt of not having initially believed her mom when she first approached her about Lane. It allowed her to rest. Maya no longer had to wait for death to set her free as she had found a way to free herself, even if it was only temporary.

The blonde was exceptional at hiding her little habit, having it go unnoticed by everyone including her wife. She had even managed to take half a prescription pad from the Italian's desk, which she worked her way through in a matter of weeks. She would often sell the prescriptions as it allowed her to get her drug of choice in higher quantities off of the street, using the pad for herself only when it was absolutely necessary.

"Come on, I'll do anything. I just need four pills, that's it," she continued to beg. She was starting to shake, her muscles aching, her forehead covered in sweat.

"Please, I just need to take the edge off. It's my last fix. I'm done after today," she added.

"Anything huh?" asked the boy as his eyes scanned her body. Maya nodded desperately, she had promised herself that this would actually be the last time. She had Carina to think about, along with their two month old baby girl. Maya had attempted to get clean several times since the first time the couple had found out they were pregnant, all of them playing out similarly. She would last the first few hours after her last use but not once had she made it through the first symptoms of her withdrawal, and this time was no different.

"I mean you are pretty hot. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine," smirked the kid, moving in closer to the blonde.

"Anything, what do you want?" she asked desperately. The kid walked into the building behind them, motioning for Maya to follow him in. He led her into a dark and dingy room. It  was virtually empty, holding nothing but a dirty old mattress that laid in the center of the floor.

"Take your clothes off and lay down," he instructed.

"No, absolutely not. I'll do anything else," she responded, moving further away from the boy.

"Nah, that's not how it works. You said anything I want and well this is what I fucking want, so come on. Get to it," he answered.

"I said no!" shouted Maya.

"Listen bitch, you don't have a choice!" he shouted, grabbing the blonde by the arm and throwing her on the bed. The kid quickly climbed on top of her, pinning both of her wrists above her head as he used his free hand to undo the button on her jeans. Maya begged for him to stop, kicking and screaming in an attempt to fight him off. He was bigger than her which made it easy for him to overpower her. 

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