Dancing With Your Ghost

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Carina took a deep breath, releasing it as she turned her key. She expected her kids to still be up even though it was way past their bedtimes. Fun auntie Vic had been left in charge that night, and from previous experience, anything could be happening on the other side of that door right now.

However, when Carina opened the door it was quite the opposite of what she had expected. The house was quiet. Everything was turned off, except for the dim hallway light. She made her way into the living room.

"Victoria?" she called out, peering over the back of the couch. The light of the TV perfectly illuminated the firefighter's features. Her soft caramel skin radiant. Her big round eyes accentuated by long lashes, which slowly began to flutter.

"DeLuca, you're home," she yawned.

"How were the bambine? Not too much trouble?" asked Carina, only half acknowledging her. Vic slowly sat up. She brought her good knee up to her chest as she patted the seat next to her with her hand. Carina denied the offer. She didn't want Vic to get the impression that she wanted her to stay. The woman understood and began to gather her belongings.

"I see your leg is doing better," pointed out Carina.

"Yeah, I've been doing physical therapy about three times a week. Can't wait to get back to work. I'm willing to do whatever it takes," she chuckled.

"Even after what happened last time?" asked the doctor.

"It's part of the job I guess," shrugged Vic. It was obvious she wasn't mentally ready to go back, but needed to rip off that bandaid and just get it over with.

"You sound just like Maya," Carina laughed and shook her head.

"Hey if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be standing here," the laughter suddenly died, leaving a heavy silence between them. Carina took a deep breath and gave Vic a small smile.

"You know, I'd be happy to stay and help out again tomorrow. The girls give me a sense of purpose. Helps me feel less useless," offered the firefighter.

"I wont be going into work tomorrow, but thank you," she replied.

"Oh duh! It's her birthday tomorrow isn't it? Sorry I've lost track of the days. Any cool plans?" continued Vic. She hated herself for forgetting. Maya was never big on birthdays but this one was different. It was a special one. One that she should have remembered.

"Nothing big, probably just drop off the girls at daycare for a bit. Then head over to Kerry Park for a picnic. Maya loves it up there. It has a beautiful view of The Sound," explained Carina as they walked to the front door.

"That sounds wonderful," smiled Vic, "whatever you need, just let me know. Let any of us know, we are all here to help," Carina hugged the woman in an effort to show her appreciation. She shut the door behind her and made her way to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine.

She poured herself a large glass of their most expensive bottle. A bottle that her and Maya vowed to save for special occasions. The only other time that had been opened was the day the twins were born, and the day Maya had regained her captain position.

Carina grabbed a box of matches from the kitchen drawer and headed over to the lounge. She lit a few candles and put on her favorite record. The brunette sat on the couch and sipped on her glass until her favorite song came on. It was their song. The one Hughes had sang as they made their way down the aisle. The soft melody filled the room as she began her nightly routine. She swayed her hips, making her way across the room, wine in hand.

It was her second favorite method of stress relief. Carina was deep in thought when a familiar scent became prevalent. She felt a pair of cold hands glide across her torso.

"You're here," she said, breathing in the comforting scent.

"I am," she responded.

"I missed you," added Carina, leaning further into the embrace.

"How was your day?" asked Maya.

"Uneventful," Carina responded dryly, "yours?"

"About the same, Can I join you?" asked Maya as she extended her hand. The couple began to dance. Slowly swaying back and forth as the song came to an end.

"The song is over my love," pointed out the captain.

"Mhm," mumbled Carina.

"What are we doing?"

"Not letting go," responded the doctor.

"But we have to eventually," laughed the blonde.

"But then we wont be here,"

"I will always be here, Carina. Right here. Forever and ever," reassured Maya.


"Mamma?" Carina gasped at the little voice. The hands that were once wrapped around her now replaced by an empty feeling.

"Bambina, what are you doing up?" she asked.

"I miss mommy," sniffled the little girl.

"Me too, mia bella. Me too. But you know what?" The little girl looked at her mother expectantly and shook her head.

"She will always be right here," she explained as she tapped the little girl's chest, mimicking Maya's earlier gesture, "forever and ever."

"Promise?" asked the little girl. Maya's scent once again filled the nearby area.

"I promise." 

A/n: just something I thought of the other day at work. I apologize for not being as active as before. I am trying to pick writing back up but its been difficult. I am still working on the next chapter of Third Time's the Charm and the first chapter of a new book. Let me know what you think of this and please don't hate me too much. 

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