Chapter 1: Target Acquired

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October 8, 2016

Location: Venice, Italy

Harlan could feel the sweat trickle down his face. He wipes the sweat off his face and continues walking from rooftop to rooftop, sniper rifle in his hand, silently counting the buildings. Eleven, twelve, thirteen...

Harlan could hear the boat engines. The people walking, talking, eating, flirting. Harlan did his best to block them out, but how could you?

Twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three.

Harlan stops. He fixes his sniper rifle, loads it with ammo, lowers down and aims the sniper at a window across him.

Harlan adjusts his sniper rifle, ready to shoot as he watches four men enter a room. He watches one man hands a man with a bodyguard a suitcase. The man opens it, leaving Harlan wondering what was in it.

Money? Drugs? Bomb?

Harlan thinks about what to do. He was sent to assassinate the man with the suitcase, but he did't expect this much people. And he wanted to know what was in the case.

As the agent considers his options, a flare of light hits one of the men in the eye. He looks at the window and sees the T.H.E.P.A. agent outside. Realizing that he has been made, Harlan shoots one of the men and watches as the man with the briefcase, along with two men, leave the building. Harlan leaves the sniper and runs down the building.

Harlan finds himself in the middle of the busy street. As he notices the man with the suitcase running, Harlan chases him. He chases him through the narrow streets of Venice to the ports of Venice. The other man gets his gun and starts shooting at Harlan who takes cover while the man with the briefcase and his bodyguard get in a speedboat and drive off. The other man is about to get on his speedboat when Harlan throws him off the boat and starts driving after the man with the suitcase.

Harlan chases the man through the narrow canals of Venice Italy. The man looks back and speeds up as he sees Harlan chasing him.

Harlan speeds up trying to catch up with the man but the man brings out a gun and starts shooting. Harlan ducks and continues speeding up, catching up with the man before jumping to the other boat. A fight ensues with Harlan and the bodyguard as Harlan punches and throws the bodyguard off the boat. The man with the suitcase then takes out a gun but Harlan punches it away. He tries hitting Harlan with the suitcase but Harlan catches the suitcase, slams it to his face, then kicks the man off the boat.

Harlan looks back as he slows the boat down. Curious, he opens the suitcase, to find a picture of a man. Harlan looks at the picture, with a sense of familiarity. After wondering for a while, Harlan puts the picture back in the suitcase, shuts it close and drives off

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