Chapter 10: The Doctor and The Assassin

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September 25, 2009

Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul

Doctor Jasmine Olsen is sitting on her desk, wearing a pair of glasses, reading a book. As she is reading, she hears the door slam open.

Nurse: Sir, I'm sorry but-

Harlan: Lady please just let me get THROUGH!

Harlan, all bloody and beaten up with a black eye, white poodle in his arms wrapped in a dark blue coat. The puppy is bleeding out.

Nurse: Doctor Olsen I-

Harlan: NURSE, just shut the hell up, PLEASE!

Harlan puts the dog on Jasmine's desk.

Harlan: Doctor, fix the dog.

Jasmine removes her glasses.

Jasmine: Jesus Christ what happened?

Harlan: Got shot by muggers.

Jas notices Harlan is also beaten up, bruised, and bleeding.

Jasmine: Sir, you're-


The Nurse comes forward.

Jasmine: Contact OR, NOW! Apply pressure to the wound! GO GO GO!


Harlan is sitting in the waiting room, asleep, with a pack of ice on one hand. Someone taps Harlan on the shoulder and he wakes up to see Jasmine.

Harlan: Oh hey Doc.

Jasmine: Hi. Um you might wanna...

Harlan puts the pack of ice on his black eye.

Jasmine: That's better.

Harlan: Thanks. Hey Doc, um is-

Jasmine: Don't worry, your dog is fine.

Harlan: He's not my dog.

Jasmine: Still, he'll be fine.

Harlan: That's nice. Look Doc, sorry for shouting a while ago. I-

Jasmine: No no it's fine. I would have acted the same way myself.

Harlan: Oh.

Jasmine: Yeah.

Harlan smiles. Jasmine takes a seat beside Harlan.

Harlan: So um, how much should I- I mean I would love to pay but... I got no money with me right-

Jasmine: Oh no it's fine. It's on me.

Harlan: You sure?

Jasmine: Yeah don't worry about it.

Harlan: You sure? Nothing I can give you?

Jasmine: Well, your name would be nice.

Harlan and Jasmine smile.

Harlan: Harlan. Harlan Brandle. And you are?

Jasmine: The name's Olsen. Doctor Jasmine Olsen. Please, call me Jas.

Jasmine extends her arm and Harlan shakes it.

Jasmine: Nice to meet you Harlan.

Harlan: Likewise, Jas.

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