Chapter 16: Diamonds Are Forever

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Location: Seoul, South Korea - Night

Jas and Buddy walk out the hospital and into the snowy night. They walk to a park and approach a cemetery. They pass by gravestones until they find the one they are looking for. Jas lowers herself to the grave, and puts her hand on it. She looks at the tombstone and reads what was engraved on it.

Harlan Oxford Brandle

September 25, 1974 - October 11, 2016


"We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason we'll say hello again"

Jas puts flowers by the grave. She then gives the tombstone a kiss.

Jasmine: I miss you.

Jas takes a moment. Time flies by as Jas is all alone. She sits down in front of the grave, talking to the man she loves in her head. The man she loves who is gone from this world, and somewhere, elsewhere, somewhere she does not know.

After a while, Jas says one last goodbye, before standing up.

Jasmine: Come on Buddy, let's go home.

At a distance, a mysterious man in a fedora and trench-coat watches Jas as she and Buddy walk away. The man follows her.


Location: Jasmine's House, Seoul - Night

Jasmine and Buddy approach the door. Jas gets the keys to her door from her pocket. She is about to put the key in, when Buddy barks. Jas stops. She puts the keys back in her pocket, and reaches for an umbrella.

Jasmine: You know, maybe A for effort, but F for execution.

Jas suddenly turns and swings the umbrella. The man however uses a walking cane to block the attack. Jas pulls back her umbrella. The man gets into fencing position, and so does Jas.

Jas and the man fence each other. Jas goes for the offense, but the man, the man. Something familiar about him. Jas can't pinpoint what it is but there is something familiar about him.

Jas goes for a strike but the man blocks it. She looks at him. She can only see his eyes. Jas notices that the man has a limp on his right leg.

Jas drops the umbrella, and ducks. She catches the umbrella before it falls and swings it at the man's leg. The umbrella hits the man's right leg and he falls face first on the pavement.

Jasmine: STAND DOWN!

The man's hat falls. He puts his right hand on his left eye.

Jasmine: Who are you?

Jas watches as the man removes his hand, to reveal a small scar under his left eye. Jas looks at him in shock. She then looks at his left hand, and sees something she didn't notice earlier.

A ring.

But not just any ring. Her ring. The Nexus ring.

The familiarity of the man, the scar, and the ring. All of them seemed to point at one person.

Jasmine: Harlan?

The man winks at her, then slide kicks her. Jasmine falls down, and she watches as the man puts on his hat and runs away.

Buddy runs to Jas. As the man runs away, something flies out of his coat and glides to Jas. Jas catches it and examines it. A maple leaf.

Jas sits down, thinking. Alone with her thoughts.

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