Chapter 4: Doctor Jasmine Leigh Olsen

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October 9, 2016

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Nicholas: Boss! We're here!

Harlan wakes up. He opens his eyes and he looks at the window, looking at the Korean streets. He gets off the car and walks down the South Korean street. He could smell the different Korean street food which under different circumstances, he would try.

He notices a flower store, checks his watch, then walks in and walks out with a bouquet of roses.

Harlan walks down the street until he finds the place he's looking for: St. Elizabeth's Hospital

Harlan gets his phone and calls Nicholas.

Harlan: Nicholas, you there?

Nicholas (phone): Yes, Agent Brandle. I'm here.

Harlan: Good. Stay close to the area.

The call ends. Harlan then starts walking in the hospital, but he stops. He notices something out of the ordinary. He takes a mental note then opens the door.

Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul - Noon

Harlan walks to the front desk.

Front Desk: Hello sir, how may I help you?

Harlan: Yes I am here to find a Doctor Olsen. Doctor Jasmine Olsen.

Front Desk: Eleventh Floor. Room 23.

Harlan softly chuckles.

Harlan: 감사 해요.

Harlan hands the lady at the front desk a rose and walks away. He walks towards an elevator when he stops. He looks back and sees a black SUV drive by. He smirks and gets in an elevator.

The elevator door opens at floor eleven. Harlan walks and down the hallway. He stops by a glass window and sees the same black SUV driving away, and he continues walking.

Harlan walks until he finds Room 23. He looks at the door to see a sign that reads:

Floor 11 Room 23

Doctor Jasmine Leigh Olsen


Harlan reaches to grab the door knob, but he hesitates. The agent takes a deep breath as he gathers the courage to open the door. As he walks, he notices a queue. Harlan makes his way to the nurse.

Nurse: Hello sir, how may I help yo-

The Nurse looks up and pauses, recognizing him.

Harlan: I'm here to see Doctor Olsen.

Nurse: Do you have an appointment?

Harlan gets two fifty-thousand won bills from his pocket and slips it to the the nurse who then smiles.

Nurse: What should I tell her?

Harlan: Tell her her friend came to pay her a visit.

Harlan winks at her before walking towards her clinic.

Nurse: You know your way around?

Harlan is about to say yes when they hear a bark. Harlan looks down to see a white dog running towards him. Harlan kneels down and starts petting the dog, who starts licking him.

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