Chapter 6: The Quantum of Solace

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Location: ?

Harlan and Jas left Buddy with the T.H.E.P.A. agents. Harlan explained that bringing Buddy along will just endanger him and Jas reluctantly agreed to leave him in T.H.E.P.A.'s custody.

Harlan: Don't worry Jas, T.H.E.P.A. will provide heavy security for Buddy. I'd die before they lay a finger on Buddy.

Harlan and Jasmine board the plane. Harlan leads the way and stops at a mini bar. He gets a bottle of scotch and two glasses some in each glass and gives one to Jas.

Harlan: To saving the world.

Jasmine: To saving the world.

Harlan and Jas toast. As hey drink down the glass of scotch, Nicholas walks up to them.

Nicholas: Agent Brandle, Doctor Olsen, are both of you doing fine?

Harlan turns to Nicholas.

Harlan: Nicholas, it's gonna be a long ride. How about you show Jas to where she will be staying? And also...

Harlan whispers something to Nicholas' ear. Nicholas then nods in agreement.

Nicholas: Yes sir, I understand.

Jasmine: What's going on?

Harlan: It's gonna be a fourteen hour ride. You should get some rest. Nicholas will show you to your room.

Jasmine nods. She puts the glass down, then follows Nicholas. Harlan takes one last look at Jas before she walks away.


Jasmine follows Nicholas up the stairs. Eventually, they reach the second highest level and Nicholas leads her to the closest cubicle. Inside the cubicle is a bed and a window.

Nicholas: We will be taking off soon. You should get some rest.

Nicholas smiles at Jasmine before walking away. Jas closes the door to her cubicle, lies on the bed and falls asleep almost immediately.


October 10, 2016

Jas wakes up a few hours later. She looks at the window and sees the sun rising. Or setting. She wasn't sure. Jas stretched her arms a bit before deciding to walk out.

As soon as Jas opens the door, she kicks something. Jasmine looks down to see a box. She picks up the box, and walks back in her cubicle to open it.

Jasmine opens the box to find a make up set, hair accessories, earrings, and a sparkling white dinner dress. On the dress is a card reading:

Third Floor, Five Minutes


Jasmine (whisper): Son of a bitch.

Jas laughs. She takes the make up, and applies some on her face. Once she's finished, Jasmine changes out of her hospital clothes, and into the dinner dress.

Jasmine walks out the cubicle, looking even more beautiful. She follows the card's instructions, and goes down to the third floor, to see a table for two set up. Harlan, who is sitting down, white tuxedo, dark blue bow tie and holster suspenders, red carnation on his white coat. He sees Jas. He puts the gun on the table in his holster suspenders, stands and walks to her to greet her.

Harlan: Jasmine.

Jasmine: Harlan.

The two smile.

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