Chapter 5: I'm Afriad That's Classified

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Jasmine finishes putting gauze on Harlan's wound, and Harlan leans back on his seat.

Jasmine: There, that should stop the bleeding till we can get you to a hospi-

As Jas watches Harlan starts to put back on his shirt, she notices his back, filled with so many scars. Harlan notices Jas watching.

Harlan: What?

Jasmine: Sorry, I just don't remember seeing most of those.

Jas then puts her hand on Harlan's left eye and touches a small scar under his eye.

Harlan: What about that one? Do you remember that one?

Jas looks at it, sadly and... regretfully?

Jasmine: I do.

Jas lets go of Harlan's face. Harlan presses a button, and a window blocks Nicholas from the two.

Harlan: Don't worry, he won't be able to hear us. Let's get down to business, shall we?

Harlan picks up Buddy and puts him on his lap.

Jasmine: He still likes you.

Harlan: I wasn't sure if he would still remember me. Happy that he still does.

Harlan strokes Buddy.

Harlan: Look, you got questions, and so do I. How about we answer them now?

Jasmine looks at Harlan. She thinks about it. She decides to go with it

Jasmine: Nexus.

Harlan: Come again?

Jasmine: Project Nexus.

Harlan: What is that?

Jasmine: Project Nexus is a project my dad had back in his SERPENT days.

Harlan: What is it about?

Jasmine: I don't really know.

Harlan: So what do you know about it?

Jasmine thinks about it.

Jasmine: Project Nexus was scrapped when my father defected from SERPENT. As you probably know, he defected and he killed his partner.

Harlan: Billy Atienza.

Jasmine: Jasper made it so that only three people had access to Project Nexus.

Harlan: Who's the third?

Jasmine looks at Harlan, and he understands.

Harlan: Where can we find this Project Nexus?

Jasmine: My father's base of operations was in Nevada. If it's the plans they want, it's probably there.

Harlan takes this in. He nods, then he opens the window to talk to Nicholas.

Harlan: Nicholas.

Nicholas: Yes sir?

Harlan: Are we there yet?

Nicholas: Yes sir. We have arrived.

Harlan sees as they reach a T.H.E.P.A. camping site, filled with agents and a T.H.E.P.A. plane. Director Forster turns and sees them coming. He walks towards them.

Jasmine helps Harlan out of the car, then picks up Buddy. Harlan walks to Director Forster.

Director Forster: Harlan Brandle!

Harlan: Director Forster, meet Jasmine Olsen. Jas, meet my boss, Director Forster.

Forster and Jas shake hands.

Harlan: Sir, we need to get to Nevada right now!

Director Forster looks at him, confused.

Director Forster: Nevada?! What's in Nevada?

Harlan: There's an abandoned SERPENT base in Nevada. It contains the plans to something known as Project Nexus. SERPENT is going after those plans.

Director Forster: How do you know about this?

Harlan side glances at Jas, then back at Forster.

Harlan: I had a lead.

Director Forster: And would you trust this lead?

Harlan nods.

Harlan: Yes. Yes I would sir, with my life.

Director Forster thinks. Finally, he allows him.

Director Forster: Ok, GO. Take a task force with-

Harlan: No sir. Me and Doctor Olsen go alone.

Director Forster: What do you mean

Harlan: Please sir, trust me.

Director Forster thinks about it, then allows. He nods in approval. Just then, Nicholas walks towards them.

Nicholas: Agent Brandle. Director Forster.

Director Forster nods at Nicholas.

Nicholas: Agent Brandle, I've been instructed to give you this.

Nicholas hands a new watch.

Nicholas: Press the crown three times and you will get a five second window before it will self destruct.

Harlan gets the watch, but passes it to Jas, who puts it on.

Nicholas: Sir, the plane is ready.

Harlan looks at Director Forster.

Director Forster: Good luck, Harlan.

Harlan: Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Director Forster holds out his hand, and Harlan shakes it. After the two men shake hands,, Harlan and Jas walk up the plane.

Next stop: Nevada.

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