Chapter 9: Twists, Reveals and Revelations

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Harlan is punched awake, vision blurry, but he can make out the sounds and smells in his surrounding. The smell of the cigars, the metal clanking sound, the machines going "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER". All of this pointed to one location.

Location: The Diamond Hotel, Las Vegas

Harlan sees a figure with his back turned on him, smoking. Harlan tries to lunge at him but finds out he is cuffed to a chair. Harlan observes the glass floor, overlooking the casino players. Harlan also notices many screens on the ceiling showing the area outside the hotel.

A bodyguard goes to Jas, but instead of punching her awake, he gets a handkerchief, and puts it on her nose. Jas then wakes up and coughs. Jas turns and looks at Harlan.

Harlan: You ok?

Billy: Don't worry, you're both alright.

Billy blows out smoke and turns to face the couple. He walks towards them. He takes a seat.

Billy: Look, how about we cut the bullshit, eh? If this was a movie, this is the part where I tell you my evil plan, then you two will escape certain doom and stop me. Am I right?

Harlan: Takes a villain to know one.

Billy laughs and he turns to Jas.

Billy (to Jas): I like him.

Billy (to Harlan): I heard a lot about you. London, 1999? Philippines, South Korea, 2011? Makes me wonder if you're as good as I heard.

Harlan: Uncuff me you son of a bitch and I can show you.

Billy laughs.

Billy: Well sorry but this ain't that type of movie. So here's how things will go. You have something I want, and I want you to give it to me.

Harlan: What do you want?

Billy: Oh stop the bullshit, you know what I want.

Harlan: Look man, are you sure you're not getting me and my brother Jackson mixed-

Billy punches Harlan. Harlan spits out some blood.



Billy punches Harlan in the guts and blood spills out his mouth.


Billy looks at Jasmine.

Jasmine: My coat. It's inside.

Billy nods. An agent gets Harlan's coat, and searches it. They find the tape and hand it to Billy. Billy takes one look at it, then throws it down to the ground. He gets his gun and shoots it.


Billy: WHERE IS IT?!


Billy looks at Jas then laughs.

Billy: You thought I wanted the plans?

Billy walks to a computer and changes the screens. Suddenly it shows the plans to Project Nexus.

Billy: I always had the plans to Project Nexus. Courtesy of your father, Jasper. May he rest in peace as well.

Jasmine: How does he-

Harlan: You and Jasper were partners. You must have had a backup somewhere.

Billy chuckles.

Billy: Project Nexus was supposed to be a weapon. A weapon to make SERPENT invincible. Why you may ask? For years, me and Jasper had many plans. Plans which were foiled by none other than the people of your boyfriend Jas... HARLAN!

Billy points at Harlan.

Billy: T.H.E.P.A.! The Human Endangerment Prevention Agency! Needs a name-job.

Harlan nods.

Billy: So we made Project Nexus. A weapon powered by the world's rarest element, Nexus Diamonds.

Billy reveals a suitcase. He opens it and it shows the targets all over the world.

Billy: Me and Jasper were gonna launch the missiles. But he chickened out. Defected. I had to fake my death. Wasn't easy and wasn't clean, but it worked. But he escaped with the most important part. The key.

Billy shows a key slot.

Billy: Jasper used the last of our Nexus Diamonds to make something. Something that can be the only thing that can activate the missiles and start the launch. Project Nexus was supposed to destroy the world to allow SERPENT to clean it. Rebuild it.

Billy shuts the briefcase. Jasmine looks in shock.

Jasmine: Why would you want to do this?

Billy: Because we Ms. Olsen, are at war. We need to be well armed with weapons. And because well... well, let's face it. Ever since the kid with the bow and arrow and the girl with the freaky powers came, we have to prepare for what might come next. At this point, the alien in the pizza costume is a possibility.

Harlan laughs. Billy sighs then gets his gun and aims it at Harlan.

Billy: Last chance, WHERE IS IT?

Harlan: We don't have-

Billy: Three.


Billy: TWO! Jasper used the remaining Nexus Diamonds to make the key!

Harlan: SON OF A BIT-

Billy: ONE.

Jasmine: STOP!

Harlan and Billy freeze. Silence. They could hear the casino slot machines from bellow along with the people yelling as they won the jackpot.

Jasmine: Spare his life, and I will give you the key. PROMISE ME YOU WILL!

Billy nods slowly.

Billy: Where is it?

Jasmine sighs. Harlan realizes now. He looks at Jas' finger and sees it.

Her ring.

Billy walks to her, then takes the ring off her finger. Billy laughs.

Billy: Finally, the world's greatest weapon at the palm of my hands.

Billy opens the suitcase again containing the control commands to Project Nexus, and puts the ring in the key hole, it fits perfectly. Billy then puts it on his ring finger and laughs.

Billy: Lock them up.

The SERPENT agents free Harlan and Jasmine and drag them away from the room. Billy looks down on the glass floor, looks at Jas' ring, then laughs maniacally.

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