Chapter 8: The Nexus of It All

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October 11, 2016

Location: Nevada Desert, United States of America

The sun rises from the dark sky as Harlan and Jasmine walk. They walk until they find an abandoned warehouse. Harlan taps Jasmine on the shoulder to ask if that is it.

Harlan: That it?

Jasmine looks at it with dread.

Jasmine: Yes.

Jasmine overtakes Harlan and speeds to the abandoned warehouse. As Jasmine approaches the door, there is a keypad. She puts the four digit code 1106 and it opens.

Harlan opens the door for Jas, who hands him back his coat. Harlan puts his coat back on and walks in the warehouse with Jasmine. Inside they see an abandoned office. Cobwebs, dust and burn marks fill the walls, the floors, the tables, the chairs and computer monitors.

Harlan: This is ancient. Abandoned for... at least ten years. How do you know about this?

Jasmine looks at Harlan, with a look of dread and guilt.

Jasmine: All will be revealed. Come on.

Jas leads Harlan to a locked door. Jas puts in the code 1025 and the door opens. We reveal Jasper's office.

Harlan: Wow.

Jasmine: I know.

Harlan and Jas walk in the office, which is full of boxes covered in dust. Jas turns on the lights, which activates a faded but still functioning light bulb.

Harlan: Come on. The plans should be here.

Harlan takes a box, and removes his coat and holster suspender and places them on a table. He opens the box and sees boxes of folders of files. Harlan goes through them and Jas grabs a box, sits on her father's chair and does the same.

Harlan goes through different files. Some about agents, some about different projects.


Hours have passed by. Harlan slams a folder labelled "Chase Delvey" back into a box. He looks at Jas and sees her asleep. Harlan walks to her, gets his coat from the table and puts it on her as a blanket. Harlan notices Jas hiding a folder. Harlan takes it and looks at it. He opens it to see a photo of young Jasmine with a young Jasper.

Harlan goes through the files as Jas wakes up. Harlan sees her.

Harlan: You didn't tell me about this.

Harlan shows Jas the files. The documents on Jasmine, and photos of her in SERPENT. Jas looks at them.

Jasmine: Harlan I-

Harlan: Explain. NOW!

Jasmine puts Harlan's coat on the table. She then takes a deep breath.

Jasmine: My father as you know was a SERPENT agent. So when I was born, he hoped for me to continue his legacy.

Jas reaches out her arm, and Harlan hands her the folder. Jasmine looks at Harlan as she takes out photos of her in the academy.

Jasmine: While I trained, my father worked closely with his best friend, Billy Atienza, on various projects. The two created a lot of great ideas, but they were all foiled by T.H.E.P.A.

Jasmine takes another breath.

Jasmine: However, for unknown reasons... one day...

Harlan: He defected.

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