Chapter 11: Diamonds and Blood

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April 18, 2011

Location: Jasmine's House, Seoul


Harlan notices his phone buzzing. He pours himself a cup of coffee and he gets his phone and sees the name.

Unidentified Caller

Harlan gulps and looks around. Once he's sure no one's around, he picks up the phone.

Harlan: Hello?

Jasmine is walking in the room. Harlan turns and sees her coming.

Harlan: Yes understood sir. Thank you.

Harlan ends the call. Jas walks to him.

Harlan: Morning! Happy Birthday sweetie!

Jasmine: Thanks. Who was that?

Harlan: Nah nobody. Just work.

Jasmine walks and gives Harlan a kiss on the cheek. She sits on the table and Harlan serves her breakfast. Jasmine takes a bite.

Jasmine: So let's go over our plan again?

Harlan: I'll pick you up at seven for dinner. Afterwards, I have a little surprise for you. You sure you will just change in the clinic?

Jasmine: Yeah. Unless you want me to go in my clinic clothes.

Harlan: Whichever you want. You look beautiful either way anyways.

Jasmine laughs and takes another bite.


Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul

Harlan drives Jas to the hospital. As they reach it, they both look at each other and smile.

Jasmine: See you tonight Mister.

Harlan: Likewise Ma'am.

Jasmine and Harlan kiss. After their kiss, Jas smiles and walks out the car. Harlan waits until Jas is nowhere to be seen before pulling out a bag from the floor. He takes out the content, which is a light brown envelope. Harlan takes out a sheet of paper inside which reads:

Director Forster,

I, Harlan Oxford Brandle, would like to turn in my intention to resign from The Human Endangerment Prevention Agency, effective immediately.

Harlan Brandle

Harlan reads the letter, then smiles. He takes out his laptop, and types it word per word, then sends it to Director Forster.

Harlan then scrolls through his email, and opens one with the subject "Target to Eliminate"

Harlan opens it to find a bald man with a beard by the name of Shaun Evans. Harlan closes it and puts his laptop back in the bag. He puts the letter back in the envelope and into the bag.

Harlan then makes sure again that Jas isn't around as he opens a compartment to get a small velvet box. He slips the red box into his bag and drives off.


At 7pm, Harlan in a dark grey suit, blue bowtie and suspenders, and a bouquet of roses, goes up the stairs of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. He enters the waiting room to Jas' clinic and takes one last look in the mirror. The nurse wishes him good luck and Harlan gives her a rose. Jasmine then comes out of her office, hair fixed, lips red with lipstick, make up on, and in a red dinner dress.

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