Chapter 7: The Friend of My Enemy Is My Enemy

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Location: ?

Pilot: Hands up. NOW

Harlan raises his arms.

Pilot: Tell the girl to wait in the cargo.

Harlan looks at Jas.

Harlan: Do as he says, Jas.

Harlan nods at Jas. Jas stands up and walks away.

Pilot: Come on. Cockpit. NOW!

Harlan stands, arm still raised. And he walks. Harlan walks away from the table, past the mini bar, and past the lounge. He walks into a narrow corridor, till he reaches a door to the cockpit.

Pilot: OPEN IT!

Harlan puts his hand on the knob, but as he opens the door, he elbows the pilot's arm. He then punches him, kicks him back, then locks himself in the cockpit.

Harlan looks at the pilot's seat and sees a bleeding Nicholas. Harlan approaches him.

Harlan: Nicholas! Hey, Nicholas.

Nicholas sees Harlan and smiles. Harlan takes a napkin from his pocket and puts it on Nicholas' wound for pressure.

Nicholas: Hey boss. Sorry, the co-pilot was a bad guy.

Nicholas laughs. Harlan looks at Nicholas, he knows he won't make it.

Nicholas: Go boss. Make it count.

Nicholas smiles, and Harlan smiles back.

Harlan: I will, Nicholas. I will. Thank you.

Harlan extends his hand, and Nicholas shakes it. Harlan feels as Nicholas' grip tightens, then loosens. Harlan closes his comrade's eyes, and takes a moment. Finally, he gets up, opens a compartment, and gets a hidden pistol. Full of anger, Harlan loads the gun and kicks the door open.


The pilot opens the door to Harlan's cubicle. He sees the bag from the hospital and takes it. He takes out the C4 and puts one in Harlan's cubicle. He then drops C4's one by one on his way.

When the pilot reaches the stairs, he notices that he has run out of C4. He takes the remote detonator and starts walking down the stairs. The pilot walks down to cargo where Jas is waiting for him. He grabs a parachute and starts putting it on, when- GUNSHOTS!

The pilot turns and Harlan lunges at him. Harlan's gun then slides away from him. The pilot lets go of the parachute. Harlan starts punching the pilot.

Harlan: GO!

The pilot however punches Harlan, who falls to the side. The pilot throws him at some gas tanks, then picks him up and throws him to the wall. Harlan's body slams into the control panel of the cargo ramp, and it opens the cargo ramp. The pilot tries to punch Harlan, but Harlan moves out of the way, making the agent punch the wall of the plane. Harlan gives the pilot a hell of a punch, and the pilot is knocked down.

Harlan takes the pilot's parachute and runs to Jas, but someone lunges at him. Harlan falls and drops the parachute. The pilot pins Harlan to the ground, sees Harlan's gun, and kicks it down the cargo ramp, and out the plane. The pilot gets up and starts choking Harlan. Harlan starts turning purple until-DANG!

Jas slams a parachute bag into the pilot. The pilot stops choking Harlan, and Jas tries to slam the bag into the pilot, but he catches it, takes it from her, and punches Jas. He then grabs Jasmine by her dress and drags her to the edge of the cargo ramp.

Harlan gets up and watches as the pilot brings out a gun and points the gun at Jas as she slowly stands up. Harlan freezes. The pilot turns back and looks at Harlan. He laughs.

Pilot: Nah. That would be too quick.

The pilot drops the gun, and Harlan screams as he pushes Jas OFF THE PLANE!

Harlan: JASMINE!

The pilot picks Harlan up and pushes him towards the end of the cargo ramp. Harlan notices Jas' parachute bag beside his foot.

Pilot: End of the line agent! Say hi to Nicholas for me.

Harlan chuckles.


Harlan grabs the gun from his holster suspender, and shoots. This causes the pilot to move and dodge the bullets. As the pilot moves, Harlan quickly grabs the parachute and shoots two gas tanks behind the pilot. Harlan jumps out the plane as the plane explodes.

Harlan puts the gun back his holster suspender as he free falls. Harlan looks around until he finds what he was looking for: another person free falling without a parachute. Jas.

Harlan moves towards Jas, and she sees Harlan. Harlan and Jas look down and see that they are nearing the ground. Jas holds out her arm and Harlan grabs her. He puts the parachute on Jas and opens it. The parachute opens up, but as it does, Harlan loses his grip.

Jasmine: HARLAN!

Harlan falls and feels so much pain on his back as he crashes on the dry Nevada desert. Harlan rolls a few feet on the desert after impact for a few miles, then lies in pain.

Harlan (grunting): Holy shit... that hurt.

Harlan takes a few breathes. Jas lands safely, unbuckles the parachute and helps Harlan up.

Harlan: You good?

Jasmine: Yeah, always wanted to go skydiving. You?

Harlan smiles, takes off his coat and puts it on Jas. He then gets his phone and starts walking.

Harlan: C'mon. We got a job to do. This way.

Jas follows Harlan, and the two walk towards the sunset, down the dry Nevada desert.

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