Say 'ello to George "Chapter 1"

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George's View

"Good morning sir" I heard a rustle near the windows before a ray of light shone down on my face. When I opened my eyes, I got a little startled before I remembered where I was. I was at my grandma's manor. It was April 8, 1912 and my birthday was coming up in two days. I've been with my grandma for a couple of weeks now to celebrate my 12th birthday before returning back to the USA to celebrate my birthday with my mom and dad.

"Edna," I said while starting to sit up out of bed, "What time is it?"

Edna responded, "It's ten in the morning sir".

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

Edna responded "Rolled oats and fruit with a glass of milk"

"Anything else I need to know about?" I asked.

"Mrs. Mary is waiting for you downstairs in the dining room." Edna replied, "I set your favorite suit out on the dresser for you, is there anything else you need before I start my other tasks Mrs. Mary assigned me"

"No," I said, "Thank you for setting out my suit, goodbye Edna".

"Good day sir" she said as she did a little curtsy and left the room.

I got out of my bed and stood up. I felt the cold wooden floor underneath my feet while I walked to my dresser. I started to put on my suit. It was a simple suit, black as midnight with a white undershirt and a very dark blue tie. My mom always said that the suit complements my black hair and light blue eyes. I stood in front of the mirror looking at the outfit to make sure it had no wrinkles in it. However I was glad I did because my hat was still on. Every night I put on a midnight blue knitted hat that my grandpa made me before he died. This was the last present I had from him and it meant a lot to me. I started wearing it at night and it helped me sleep with the feeling that he will always be by my side. By the time I got downstairs the food was already plated, however I didn't see grandma at the table. I decided to ask one of the servants where my grandma was and he said that Mrs. Mary forgot something upstairs and had to grab it and that she'll be down shortly. After a little bit Mrs. Mary returned with a piece of folded paper in her hand.

"Good Morning George" she said

I replied "Good Morning Grandma, may I ask what's in your hand?"

"It's your birthday present!" she said, "Here, unfold it!"

As I started to unfold it I realized it looked like a map of a ship. As I continued to unfold it a smaller piece of paper fell onto my lap. I was curious about what it was so I picked it up and to my surprise- It was a first class ticket for the Titanic! I was overjoyed and jumped out of my chair.

"Thank You Grandma-Thank You- Thank You!" I squealed.

She chuckled and said "You're welcome but you haven't fully opened your present, go finish unfolding it."

It was a map of the Titanic!

"I know how much you love to explore and how much you love maps, and I also don't want you to get lost. I have a friend who helped build the Titanic so I bought his map off of him to give to you" Mrs. Mary said with a big grin on her face.

I gave her a big hug and asked when I should start packing and grandma said that I'm going to have to pack today because we'll be leaving before dawn tomorrow and that she reserved us a nice hotel in Southampton so we get to explore Southampton before getting on the Titanic. Grandma also told me that she ordered Edna to wash all my clothing and that she should be folding it now. After I finished eating my breakfast I excused myself and ran upstairs to my room where I saw Edna pulling something that looked like my trunk out of my closet.

"Hello Edna," I said.

"Hello sir," she said in a bright cheerful voice, "I finished folding your clothing and I put It all on the bed for you. I am currently pulling out your trunks and bags. Some of the bags will have to go in the first class cargo room. You need to pick what you would like to wear. You need to pack for a little more than a week and pick out other things you might want or need and put it in the trunk. The rest will go in the bags which will go in the cargo room. Make sure you have everything you came here with or want to take back with you because you will be going back to your parent's manor and you won't be back here for a while."

"Okay, thanks for reminding me Edna, I'll start packing right away" I said.

"Is there anything else I can do for you sir before I help Mrs. Mary pack sir?" asked Edna.

"I have a question," I said, "Will you be joining us on the Titanic"

"No, I will be spending time with my family," she said, "however Connor and I will be joining you in Southampton, and will stay with you until you get on the Titanic then I will go home and Connor will come back to take care of Mrs. Mary's raven, Gripp".

"That will do," I said, "have a good day"

"You too sir" said Edna as she did a little curtsy and left the room.

After I packed all my stuff I decided to take a look around my room and see if I missed something. I'm glad I did that because as I checked the inside of my nightstand I found my lock picks. I normally use them to get into the pantry or attic when they are locked, but I decided I might want them at my parents house, so I put them in my trunk that will be staying with me and not in the cargo room and I hid it under some clothing to keep them safe and hidden from my grandma.

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