Brother? "Chapter 8

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Edward's View

We made it to George's family's house. It's been one month since the Titanic ship sank. George and I are starting to feel better and are having less nightmares about the titanic. We've been coping with the whole Titanic sinking thing together which has been helping the pain go by faster. I know that the pain will never fully leave and that time will never fully heal this wound but it's gotten better. When the newspaper was released about the Titanic me and George couldn't look at it yet because we were scared to find out how many people died. I turned 12 and George's family made me a chocolate cake. George's grandma had an empty casket funeral since her body was lost. On her will, she left most stuff to George but some of it went to his dad Mr. Thomas. However the manor was left to George. I started getting tutored with George so I was learning more than I ever learned before. I was also looking for my family in New York and George's parents have been really helpful. I also became a legal citizen thanks to George's parents' help.

"Edward!" yelled George from across the hallway, "My grandma's pet raven will be coming to live with us! It's name is Gripp."

"Does that have something to do with Edgar Allen Poe?" I asked.

"Why yes it does," George said smiling.

When Gripp entered George's family's house, Gripp had bald spots all over him. Gripp was pulling out his feathers due to stress. I only heard about it and I didn't think it was real. Luckily once George started taking care of Gripp he got better within a few months.

It's been almost a year. We still haven't found my family yet. George and I started playing around with each other again like when we were on the Titanic. I was having a wonderful time again and I was able to smile and not think about the Titanic all the time. George and I stopped having daily nightmares too. George taught me how to swim and I found it quite fun. George and I decided that we wanted to know who died on the Titanic and who lived so we decided to read the newspaper after such a long time. Well we were reading it, I noticed something. I noticed the names of the people I was trying to find. They were the family I was trying to live with but they were unlucky and died in the Titanic! I started to tear up. I wasted their time for something that could have been avoided.

"What's wrong?" asked George.

I pointed at the names.

"Those were the people I was looking for" I said, choking my words.

George told his mom and dad about what happened. George joined me back at the table we were sitting at.

"My parents wanted to talk with us about what's going to happen to you," George said.

George's parents then walked into the room with a small smile on their faces.

"Are you going to kick me out and put me in an adoption center?" I blurted.

"No," but we've been thinking for a while now. What if you join this family. Over the months we've known each other I've started to think of you as my son instead of a guest of this house. You bring so much joy to this household and I haven't seen my son this happy around someone in a very long time. So if it's okay with you and George would you like to become part of our family?" George's mother asked.

Both me and George looked at each other in shock.

"Yes!" me and George yelled at the same time.

I started to cry tears of joy. I never thought about having a mother and father again and I never dreamed of having a brother. I was overjoyed. It's been a couple of months since the adoption was confirmed. Everything was going great and I was having tons of fun hanging out with George. It was especially nice to not have to think about where I would go and live in the near future. One thing was for sure was that me and George had an unbreakable bond of friendship even before we became brothers. I love my new family and I could never replace what I have here. As much as I love it, there are still a few things that I have to do.

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