Tea Time "Chapter 6"

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George's View

It was 11:25 so we were making it downstairs to Elizabeth's and Violet's room since that is where we agreed to meet up. We managed to get down stairs and meet up with Violet and her parents by 11:35.

"Make sure you and your sister are back in the room by midnight at the latest. Stay safe and try not to break anything," Violet's mom said while squeezing her cheek.

Violet agreed to those terms and we waited for Elizabeth to come out of the room. Elizabeth walked outside the room and we started to make our way to the deck to watch the stars. Suddenly we felt this small tremor.

"What was that?" shrieked Violet.

"Th-this could be bad," I stuttered.

We all stood still while trying to feel another one. The girl's parents stepped out of their room and hurried towards us. The mother asked one of the maids what happened. The maid reassured us that everything was fine. Edward, Violet, Elizabeth, her parents, and I decided to go onto the deck to try and see what happened. When we made it to the deck we noticed that there was a big crowd of people. We pushed our way to the front and to my surprise there was what looked like bits of iceberg on the deck. Elizabeth and Violet ran into the snow and started throwing snowballs at each other but me and Edward stayed behind and looked at each other. We both had this gut feeling that something bad was going to happen and it was going to happen soon. After we got back together I invited all four of them to hang out with me, Edward, and my grandma until all the ice was cleaned off the deck. When we made it to my room everyone played card games and chess while drinking tea. Not too long into that though we were told to grab our life vests and head out to the deck. We took our sweet time at first trying to finish our last cup of tea and play one more round of our card game. Eventually Edward noticed something.

"Guys," Edward said, "The boat is leaning"

We all looked at Edward to try and see what he was talking about. Anything on the table or ground was rolling to one side of the ship.

"I think the boat is sinking!" Elizabeth yelled.

At that point we grabbed the life vests that were provided Edward grabbed his scarf and hat while I grabbed my hat and we carefully made our way to the deck where the lifeboats were. It looked like the others were starting to realize the ship was sinking and chaos was beginning to form by the time we got to the deck it was already pretty packed. We all held hands and luckily made our way to one of the last lifeboats. The ship's stern is starting to get pretty high in the air. We had to grab onto the railing to help hold ourselves up. Edward and I almost made it to the lifeboat but then they looked at us and threw in Elizabeth and Violet instead. The person about to lower down the boat said there's only room for one more so they were about to throw in my grandma but she resisted and told her to throw me in instead.

"Only kids and women are allowed on the lifeboat now get in before someone else does" the person shouted over the screams of others.

When my grandma refused he threw in Elizabeth's and Violet's mom and sent down the lifeboat full of crying and petrified people. My grandma then turned to Elizabeth's Dad.

"Please make sure those two are okay," my grandma said while crying, "I know that I won't be able to make it but with your help they might be able to."

"Wait grandma," I screamed with tears rolling down my eyes. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "You can't say stuff like this!"

Violet's dad nodded and grabbed me and Edwards shirt and jumped. I was going to die. I was going to freeze to death in this ocean. All three of us hit the icy cold water. I was able to resurface before Edward and Violet's dad. When Violet's dad resurfaced he held Edward's shirt in his hand. I almost forgot that Edward couldn't swim. He pulled us to a floating door and threw me and Edward on top of it. He then pushed us at extreme speed away from the sinking Titanic. We were getting further away from the ship than anyone else jumping out of the ship. After we got to what we guessed was a safe distance he suddenly stopped. Edward and I tried to pull him up out of the water but he slipped through our numb fingers and into the cold darkness below. I was tempted to jump into the icy waters with my grandma and him, but Edward stopped me. He could tell what I was thinking of doing. I sat back down next to him. We huddled together like a penguin trying to stay warm. We watched The Titanic slowly vanish into the icy darkness and the screams slowly fade. My tears felt like ice as they fell down my face. My mouth got dry from keeping it open in pure terror as we watched the Titanic's stern get higher and higher in the air. I never heard so many cries from humans before. It was the most terrifying and dreadful noise you could think of. Thousands and thousands of human screams erupting at once. Just the thought that one of them was my grandmas made me puke. I had to lean over the side of the door we were floating on to prevent it from getting on me and Edward. Somehow the cries got even louder when the Titanic snapped in half. It then proceeded to sink to the bottom of the ocean out of our sight. Some of the crying for help died right away but there was still a lot of screaming for about another 5 minutes. It hurt to just watch them die. I knew that if we got there in time a bunch of people would try to get on the door killing all of us. After a little over 10 minutes there was almost no more screaming. All the screaming came from the lifeboats. We started to drift around and Edward spotted something. He spotted a partially empty lifeboat. It was one of the first lifeboats to get launched!

"George!," yelled Edward, "Look there's an open lifeboat!"

We paddled our door as fast as we could towards the lifeboat. Luckily for us one of the people on the lifeboat helped us on to it. Once we were safe on it all we could do was sit and hope that a ship would come to our rescue before we die of coldness.

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