Breaking Dawn "Chapter 7"

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George's View

Just as dawn struck, I saw something in the distance. It was a ship! Was the ship going to rescue us? Would it find us? When it got close enough me and Edward yelled "Over here, we're over here!" We were one of the first lifeboats to get on the ship. One of the crew members rushed to us. They handed us a towel and directed us to an area where we could change out of our wet clothing. Once we finished changing I asked the person who gave us the clothing what ship this was. She said it was the Carpathia. I then asked what time it was. She said it was 4:15am. After we warmed up and calmed down we made our way onto the deck. We wanted to try and find Elizabeth and Violet and tell them about their father. We had a warm blanket and stepped outside onto the deck. We saw more rescued people coming onto the deck. A majority of them were crying. We decided to stand by the rail out of the crew's way and try to spot Elizabeth or Violet. Edward kept hugging his hat and scarf. Luckily our hats and his scarf stayed on. After 10 minutes of looking around we finally spotted Elizabeth. As soon as Elizabeth met my eyes she looked around me. My guess is that she was looking for her dad. As soon as she realized he wasn't with us she started crying. When they boarded the deck they were all out of extra clothing so me and Edward gave our blanket to them to use.

"I'm so sorry," I cried.

"He pushed us out as far as he could into the ocean before he fainted and me and Edward were unable to hold him up out of the ocean and he slipped between our numb fingers. I'm so sorry!"

This is when everything came at me all at once. Up until this point everything still had this hint of dream to it like I would wake up and this nightmare would be over but not anymore. I started crying and Violet, Elizabeth, and their mom all joined in. Even Edward started to cry. Once we got our crying out of the way we said our goodbyes and I wish you well and decided to leave it at that and hope that we'll see each other around. Edward and I had trouble sleeping. Edward kept holding on to his hat and scarf that felt as cold as ice like my hat. On the ship I happened to spot the maid on the ship that looked really young. She looked a little distorted but she was holding a baby that was maby 2 months old. Once we got to New York both me and Edward were really sleepy. I saw a bunch of people anxiously waiting around to see if their family members or friends made it off the ship. Edward and I stuck together through the crowd. After a little bit of searching I saw 2 familiar faces.

"Mom!" I yelled, "Dad!"

"Sweetie you're okay!" My mom said with tears rolling down her eyes.

My dad and mom gave me a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're alive," my father said.

"Where's Mary?" My mother asked.

I looked at the ground and said in a whisper that she couldn't make it out alive tearing up all over again.

"Let's go to our hotel," my mom said "I got two hotel rooms in New York since I didn't know the exact time you would be home."

She grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the crowd.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What is it dear?" My mom asked.

"I made a friend and he doesn't have any family with him at this moment. Can he stay with us until he finds his family in New York?"

"Does he mean this much to you?" my father asked.

"Yes," I said, "He is my first friend and I want to help him."

My mother gestured for the boy I was pointing at to come here.

"Would you want this?" my mother asked Edward.

Edward replied, "Of course I would, I have never had such a great friend and I want to continue to stay friends with him for as long as possible."

"Well if that's the case then you have to come along, my name is Helen and my husband's name is Thomas. It's nice to meet you," said Helen. "What's your name?"

"It's Edward mam," Edward said.

"Well then, let's get out of this crowd and get to a nice quiet place" my mom said.

She grabbed my hand then grabbed Edwards hand then pulled us out of the crowd. Once we made it to the hotel me and Edward passed out almost instantly. Later in the afternoon after me and Edward woke up. I woke up a little bit earlier due to a nightmare and Edward woke up with a startle too. I think it also might have been a nightmare. My mom asked about Edward. We decided to tell her everything. My mom talked to my dad and they decided that Edward could stay with us until he finds his family in New York. We lived right outside of New York and we lived in a manor with multiple guest rooms so it would be perfect.

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