If I Can't Be Good, I'll Be Good At It "Chapter 4"

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George's View

As soon as the clock struck 11:30pm I opened my door to the hallway and peeked my head out. I saw no one so I stepped outside into the hallway and silently closed the door. I ran as quickly as I could while still being quiet down the hallways. I wanted to avoid being seen as much as possible. As I was going downstairs since the cargo room was towards the end, I turned a corner and I bumped into someone.

"Hello there sir" said a worker that looked surprisingly young.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" I said scared that my plan might backfire.

"Is there anything I could do for you?" she asked. "You look a little lost."

I lied and said "I seemed to have taken a wrong turn on the way to my room. I got scared so I started running."

"What's your room number?" she asked. "I can guide you to your room so you can get back."

I lied again and said, "I don't remember my room number but I know how to get there from the grand staircase."

"Then let's go!" she said.

"May I ask, what's your name?" I asked the worker.

"It's Violet Constance Jessop" Violet replied.

As we walked down the hallways going back up to find the grand staircase, I noticed something. Violet wasn't wearing makeup to make herself look older! I decided not to say anything. We reached the grand staircase.

"Thank you," I said and ran upstairs.

Once I was out of her site I waited for her to leave. I was going down to the cargo room tonight and nothing was going to change that. Once she left I went back downstairs to continue my mission. The door was locked like I expected. I took out my lockpicks and started trying to unlock the door with them. After two minutes of patiently sliding the lock's tumblers into place while applying tension with the rod I felt the lock beginning turning with my tension rod as the door unlocked. I quietly opened the door, stepped inside then quietly closed the door. The first thing I noticed when I stepped inside was a banging happening from somewhere in the room. I decided to try to find it before I started looking for my bags. As the banging got louder I found the source. It was a big trunk. There was a trunk on top of the one that was banging. I heard a voice.

"Help!" the voice screamed.

"Don't worry, I'll help you," I said back to the screaming voice.

I pushed off the top trunk and then found that the trunk the person was in was also locked. I took out my lockpicks again and started working on unlocking it. When I finally undid the padlock it fell to the ground and the top of the trunk went swinging open. It nearly hit my nose. A kid that looked about my age jumped out of the trunk. He was wearing clothing that had a bunch of holes in it. He also had brown hair that covered one of his eyes. On top of his head was a black hat and a matching black scarf. The scarf and hat looked homemade. When he jumped out I saw him assess his surroundings. When our eyes met, I could see that he was scared of me. When he jumped out of the trunk he landed right next to me.

"Are you going to turn me in?" He asked with a quiver in his voice.

"Depends," I replied back to him trying to sound confident. "Why were you in the trunk?"

"If I don't answer will you alert the people working here?" He asked.

"I would." I said trying to hide the fact that I was lying.

"I was in the trunk because I'm a stowaway and I need to get to New York to try and find my grandma and grandpa," He sighed.

"Why do you want to see them so bad?" I asked. "What about your mom and dad?"

"They're the last blood family I have left and my mom and dad always wanted to see them again but they died before we could go," He said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I replied, "What's your name?"

"It's Edward," he said cautiously.

"So what's your plan to get off the ship or to eat food on the ship or what are you going to do to find your family?" I asked.

"I haven't planned that far ahead yet," mumbled Edward.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 11 and I turn 12 in May," Edward said.

"I'm 12 because my birthday was on the 10th," I said.

"That means your birthday was pretty recent, correct?" He asked.

"Indeed it was" I said with a smirk.

I started to think. He's about the same age as me and I would love to have a friend to play with on the Titanic. I knew that I had an extra room in my room that he could stay in and he looks to be the same size as me so he could use some of my clothing to fit in with the other first class passengers. The only problem would be grandma figuring out about him but I know how understanding and helpful she is so I figured I would just tell her about him if she happened to figure out about him. I could also hide him in my trunk on the last day to help him escape. Then if grandma found out about him I bet we could help him find his family. What's the worst that can happen? It's not like he's an adult that could kill me.

"You realize your mumbling right?" Edward asked.

"Sorry, I thought I was thinking in my head" I said.

"It's fine but what were you thinking about?" He asked.

"What if you stay with me? I asked, "My grandma bought two rooms not realizing how big each room is and since I'm a first class there's mini rooms inside the room altogether."

"How do you know that I wont hurt you in your sleep?" Edward asked.

"I don't," I said, "I just have a good feeling about you and I tend to have a good gut feeling, and plus you're my age so what's the worst that can happen. I know what the best thing to happen could be.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"It would be us becoming friends. I don't have many friends since I'm homeschooled so it would be nice to make a friend. So what do you say?" I asked.

"I guess that would really be the worst to happen so why not" Edward said.

"So us being friends would be the worst thing to have happen?" I joked.

"Well I don't really know you well and let's just say I haven't had the best experience with other kids" Edward said mumbling the last part.

"Fair enough," I said.

After about five minutes of searching I found my bags. I grabbed some of my extra clothing I had in them and handed it to Edward. We had the same size clothing so I thought that some of my extra clothing that I put in my bags would work fine. I almost completely forgot about the hat but luckily I was able to grab it before leaving the cargo room.

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