Tying Up Loose Ends "Chapter 9"

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Edward's View

George and I are 14 now. I caught up with him in my studies and we learned how our parents' business works. I was to work in the business as the second in charge while George will take over the business completely when we grew up. George was also promised to a girl. The girl was 2 years younger than us and her father owned a business that would be beneficial to our father's business. Luckily she is nice.

"Excuse me sir, you're needed in the dining room" One of the new maids sheepishly said.

"Thank you, No need to be shy, I don't bite" I teased.

"Of course sir, sorry" she said in a louder voice.

I was walking to the dining room when I noticed some raised voices. It sounded like it was George and our father. I shrugged it off and went into the dining room. Breakfast was sitting on the table so I went to my seat and sat down.

"Good morning dear" our mother said.

"Good morning mom" I replied.

Just then George and father walked in and sat down. They looked angry.

"Sorry for the wait, me and George were having a disagreement about Mary's old manor" our father said.

"It's fine, don't worry" our mother said.

After we ate breakfast I went back to the study to finish my paper I was told to write. I heard the two start arguing again. During dinner we all sat at the table.

"We're taking a boat to Southampton," our father said.

It broke the silence but created an even quieter silence somehow.

"May I ask why?" I dared to ask.

"We need to visit Mary's old manor. I heard it's falling apart so we need to grab what we want so we can demolish it since we don't go there often" our father said.

That explains what all that arguing has been about today.

"When we go....... Can I try to meet up with Rose and see how she is doing?" I struggled to say.

"Of course!" our mom said.

As the years passed I ended up telling them more about Rose and the people I call family.

"Just keep us by the lifeboats, and in first class please" George said with a very serious tone.

After that on the next day, we all got packed to leave. I grabbed my hat and scarf that Rose's mom made me. I hadn't worn it much after the Titanic to avoid it gaining holes. They paid extra money to make sure our first class rooms were the closest ones to the lifeboats. It wasn't as big or as luxurious as the Titanic so there wasn't much to do, but there were more than enough lifeboats for everyone. George and I checked that before we set sail. Most of the time we stayed in our rooms and played card games. When we finally arrived in Southampton we all took a walk around. We did that to try to find Rose. Then we arrived at her house. I knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a familiar face. Definitely Rose's but she was sad and filthy. It looked like she hadn't taken a shower in months.
"Rose?" I asked.

"Edward?" Rose asked.

"That me!" I exclaimed.

A smile formed on her face and she went in for a hug. She started to cry while hugging me.

"You've gotten way bigger since the last time I saw you!" I said.

"You too, I thought you died, how did you survive?" She asked.

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