Chapter 6

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    School was boring since all I was doing was giving papers to my mom for signing. I hadn't even gotten any actual homework yet, and hardly any school work. Which I guess was fine, because it gave me more time to play games with Johnny. But now it was the weekend, and I needed to decide.... well I already had. But I was still a bit hesitant to go through with it. I decided to go. I couldn't just not go after I promised her, I'm good on my word. But Megan couldn't blame me for being a bit scared, after what she told me. It was now Friday night and I had told my mom I was going to spend tonight and the next with a friend......and that I would be back Sunday night. She gave me the ok with little resistance. As she is always working. Truthfully mom doesn't care what I do as long as I keep my grades up and don't get in trouble....and obviously am safe.

   I wondered out to the beach and began to wade into the ocean. seeing the boulder that Megan told me to meet her at to my right, but it was pretty far out...
    I began to swim out into the ocean and then dove under and felt my legs merge into a tail and I stopped using my hands and zoomed towards the boulder. I was still in awe of the speed mermaids had. But my clothes were drastically slowing me down, which I now understood is why mermaids don't wear them. I came to a stop and yanked off my shirt and bra and let them drown as I kept swimming. making it to the boulder, I swam behind it and immediately came to an abrupt stop after I saw Megan's sea green eyes looking shocked yet thrilled as they looked into my own.
    "You came," She whispered to herself.
    "Yeah, I had a promise to keep," I muttered.
    "Thank you,"
    "No worries, I can stay until Sunday night. So, I'm yours until then," I say with an encouraging smile, trying to keep her from what looked like tears of joy, or at least I assume it was joy.
    "Mine until then? Poor choice of words," Megan says with a sly smile. I realized my mistake and began shaking my head furiously.
    "It was a figure of speech," I quickly say and Megan laughed.
    "I was messing with you. It's cute how flustered you got though,"
    "Can we please go?"
    "Where to?"
    "I don't know,"
    "Oh, I know, let's go shopping,"
    "In the ocean?"
    "No stupid, in your world," Megan clarified.
    "Oh, I knew that!" I said with a fake pride.
    "Uh-huh," Megan snorted.
    We swam to the shore and our clothes formed as we stepped onto the sand, I saw Megan's legs form back in the water and we waded out. I took lead in the direction of the mall, but then it occurred to me, we need money.
    "Megan, we need to swing by my place so I can grab some cash," I say and she nodded, "Is that ok?" I asked and she nodded again. I saw how uncomfortable she looked, she looked almost afraid, "Are you ok?" I asked and Megan shook her head and fearfully latched onto my right arm, "Why can't you speak?" I asked. Megan shook her head and I nodded and we walked to my place. Unlocking the door and we walked inside, and I got Megan a pen and paper, "If you can't tell me why, would you write it?" I asked and she nodded. She wrote a few words then handed the paper to me.
    "Oh," I say and Megan nodded. The note had said that if she talked it would come out as a high-pitched screech that would shatter glass and make me go deaf, "Wait, try. Just go slow," I suggest, even though it defies logic to even suggest something like this, "Just say hi," But Megan shook her head, "I'll be right here, next to you the whole time," I say as I take her hand in my own. She looked down at our intertwined hands and the back up in my eyes, then she sighed.
    "H....h...I.......I...hhhh....hi," She stuttered, "Hi,"
    "There you go," I encourage, and she gave a small smile, "Try something else," I suggest.
    "J....j...ja...jam...Jamie," She says.
    "You're doing great,"
    "Welcome. I'll be right back. I just gatta get my wallet," I say and Megan shakes her head frantically, "What's wrong?" I asked.
    "I....I'm...s...s...scar....scared," Megan stuttered as she hugged me tightly. I sighed and gently wrapped my arms around her.
    "Of what?" Megan shook her head and her bottom lip was trembling.
    "Why? We aren't that bad. Plus, you eat us," I say.
    "Because I'm not used to their world. Your world, this is my first time on the surface...," Megan whispers. She's scared of the unknown......which makes sense.
    "You've at least got one of our major languages down now. And, you were fine around me, and I'm human," I say. Megan shakes her head with a smile.
    "You're not like them though. Your kind and caring, mermaids are taught the opposite. You came back to me even after I told you the truth. You came back even though I kidnapped you,"
    "You scared me that's for sure. But I knew you wouldn't hurt me," I say as we sit on my bed, still holding hands.
    "How? How could you have known?" Megan pleaded.
    "Because it was too obvious that you wanted a friend. But a certain moment we shared might suggest you wanted more..," I say, my voice trailing off at the memory of the event.
    "Oh that.......I honestly don't know what came over me," Megan smiled awkwardly with a blush.
    "It was fun for me too," I whisper in her ear and I could feel the warmth from her cheeks. I started laughing when she gasped, "I'm just messing with you," I giggle.
    "Your horrible," She teased in her normal voice.
    "Glad you found your voice," I say and she nodded.
    "We can go now,"
    "you sure?" I asked, sounding concerned.
    "Yeah. Or we can cuddle," Megan suggested.
    "I like that idea," I say as I scoot closer to Megan and slung my arm around her waist.
    "What about your mom?" Megan asked.
    "Oh, she's on some trip. Won't be back for a few weeks," I say dismissively, "Besides, I told her I was spending the night with a friend," I added as I looked at Megan who looked super surprised.
    "Spend the night?" Megan asked slowly.
    "Yeah. you know, like a sleepover," I say and I was shocked when she shook her head.
    "What's a sleepover?" She asked and my head snapped in her direction.
    "What?! We need to fix this tonight. Megan your sleeping over," I say sternly.
    "Are sure it's ok?" Megan asked.
    "Yeah, like I said, moms out and my dad is at the navy base. So, it'll be just the two of us," I say with an enthusiastic giggle.
    "Um......ok. But I have to let my sister know," Megan says, and I nodded.
    "Do you need to borrow my phone?" I ask and Megan shook her head.
    "I do need a bowl of water though,"
    "Gotcha. Be right back, 'kay?" I asked getting up and Megan nodded. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a wide bowl and began filling it with water. Then returned to my room and gave it to Megan.
    "Thanks," She smiled and I nodded. She screeched quietly, and the water began to churn then Cameron's face appeared.
    "What's wrong Megan?" Cameron slurred as she rose from her sleeping position.
    "Oh, nothing. I'm just letting you know I'm sleeping over at Jaime's," Megan says.
    "Ok," Cameron says as she begins to fall back asleep.
    "Bye," The water became still again. Not even five seconds later, the water churned and Cameron's face reappeared.
    "WAIT WHAT?!" She shouted. We both looked at each other then laughed.
    "Don't worry about it," Megan says.
    "Megan, don't you dare.....," Cameron couldn't finish her thought because Megan began swirling the water around in the bowl.
    "Here," Megan says handing me the bowl.
    "Thanks," I say and take it to the kitchen where I emptied it.
    "Now, let's start the sleepover," I say as I sit down next to her, and Megan nodded in agreement.

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