Chapter 20

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Six Years Later


I sat on the sun deck chair next to Megan, on our island. I glanced over at her, and she at me.
    "What?" She smiled at me.
    "Nothing. You're just so perfect,"
    "That's a bit uncalled for J," Megan chuckled and I shrugged.
    "Maybe. But it's true,"
    "Thank you," she smiled, putting her hand on mine.
    "So, first mer couple to live on land, how you feel about that?" I asked with a grin and she laughed.
    "Feels normal, we spent most of our relationship on land anyway. Plus, we're actually on an island, so it's more acceptable,"
    "True," I nod.
    "I'd bet they'd wish they were here for this," Megan smiled up at the sky after a while of silence.
    "Yeah. You know they're watching over us though right? Laney probably making some wisecrack, and Cam glaring at her,"
    "I still miss 'em,"
    "Me too," I nodded. I understand her pain, still, there was no way we'd have won that battle without sacrifice, I don't know...I just didn't think the toll would be so high. The siren queen along with my family ruled the underwater world now. while I watched over the ocean, doing my best to keep it calm and peaceful, there's been enough bloodshed in it by now. It's time for it to be loved, "They were my sisters too at the end,"
    "You remember how we met so long ago?" Megan asked after a while and I smiled and held her hand.
    "I do, I was so scared of your world. Of you. I thought you were gunna eat me,"
    "Me too. But I don't know, something about you drew me in. It felt like it was wrong to hurt you,"
    "Well, I'm glad I got you," I smiled.
    "Momma! Momma!" Toa exclaimed with an abundant amount of excitement, her teal hair blowing in the wind as she ran up.

   "Yes, darling?" I smiled down at our daughter.
    "Look what I found!" She said with a massive grin and handed a seashell to me, "It has names on it. Look look!" She jumped up and down from excitement.
    "Does it now? Let me see that," I gazed down at it and froze, it had their names on it, Laney, Cameron, their mother, even Johnny's.
    "Megan, look at this," I smiled handing her the shell.
    "What," she trailed off as she too froze from surprise, "You do this J?"
    "What does this mean? Who could've done this?"
    "That'd be me," a voice declared in a relaxed tone. Looking up, I saw a girl in a very revealing all black dress, black nails, hair, lipstick, her eyes glowed with the color of fire. Despite her extremely powerful aura, I could sense she meant no harm.
    "Who are you?"
    "Hades, forgive my intrusion, just figured you'd want an explanation after their revival," she nodded to the ocean. Looking back into the water, I saw, well more like I feel four souls emerging from its depths. Looking closer, it was them.....looking completely like they should as if they'd aged with us, "That's me too by the way. Figured you'd earned their resurrection,"
Looking back from the bear hug I'd just given them and received, I turned to face Hades once more.
    "What's with the Greek god names?"
   "Titles, and we're the ones tasked with overseeing earth's vital functions,"
   "Tasked by who? Zeus?"
    "Hell no. He has no power over anyone but himself and his kingdom. We were tasked by the paranormal and hunter community, as we're the only ones strong enough to,"
    "Better question though, why'd you revive us?" Johnny asked hesitantly.
    "And isn't there some kinda cost to pay?"
    "Nope, no cost this time. As for the other question, it's because while I have dominion over the dead, and power over death, there are some souls, albeit very very few, but there are some souls that I can't claim. Yours, for example, you all belong to the sea, to Poseidon there," she grinned, pointing at me.
    "Why'd you take so long to revive them?" Megan asked and Hades scoffed.
    "Do you have any idea how many souls I had to sift through to find them? Thanatos got pissed, cuz I apparently messed up his order system," Hades chuckled before continuing, "And in addition to that, I had to wait for things to settle after the war with Atlantis. That battle had serious repercussions, killed A LOT of souls, emphasis on a lot. Kinda threw off the natural flow of the dead. In fact, to be honest, it was kinda a pain,"
    "Oh, well if we hadn't fought back, this world would be dead,"
    "Hey, you don't need to validate yourself to me. I get it, it's your world. You protect your domain, you protect your home. I'm the same way,"
    "Thank you so very much for this. I owe you one,"
    "As tempting as a favor from Poseidon is, imma have decline that. You owe me nothing,"
    "You sure?"
    "100 percent," she smiled, "Anyway, I must be on my way. Underworld is always busy busy busy as I'm sure you can imagine,"
    "Oi, Hades!" And she looked back at me with a look of confusion, "Thank you," She smiled back at me.
   "You're welcome," she nodded and erupted in a black fire then was gone.
    "She Sure exits in style," Megan said in awe.
    "Yeah, I'm kinda Jelly," I scoffed.
    "In any case, it's good to be back," Laney sighs loudly with her hands on her hips.
    "Good to have you back," I smiled.
    "So what now? Dying, while refreshing, is very taxing. So, I want food and a nap," Johnny grinned and I laughed alongside Megan.
    "Momma, who's them?" Toa asked and Laney smiled with a gasp and Cam blinked in shock.
    "Nooooooooo, she isn't....," Cam gasped and I and Megan nodded.
    "She's our daughter,"
    "How's that work? There was no penis?" Laney asked nonchalantly.
    "She was medically implanted in me, giving birth is a pain though, don't recommend it," I joked and they laughed as I picked up Toa and she put her arms around my neck to hold on better.
    "They're your family," Megan answered and Toa blinked then looked their smiling faces.
    "Family?" She questioned me and I nodded with a grin.
    "Yep. That's Cam, her wife, Laney, and that's our friend Johnny,"
    "Family!" She smiled and I laughed.
    "Wanna go say hi?" I asked and She nodded, putting her down. I and Megan held her hand as she walked over to them.
    "I'm Toa!" She introduces herself and Laney and Cam knelt down.
    "I'm Cameron,"
    "I'm Laney, nice to meet ya," Laney smiled and shook her hand.
    "How old is she?"
    "She's 4,"
    "She's adorable!" Johnny knelt down finally patting her head. God, I missed them, it feels great to finally have my family back. And I'm not gunna let them go ever again.

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