Chapter 15

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   We followed behind the dolphins keeping a watch for any Atlanteans, and I took note of the fact that it was the first time being in the ocean that I didn't feel safe. Every part of my being felt alive and on high alert, as the water shifted ominously all around us, and I sensed even Laney didn't feel like cracking any jokes. Her silence was surprisingly off-putting, and I was tempted to even ask her to talk, but I knew that would have been an inappropriate request given the circumstances. Cam seemed worried too, like something was going to go wrong but she didn't know what. It's odd seeing her like this too. She is usually so calm and collected, so serious and in control, yet now she just seemed like me and Laney.

   It is truly amazing what fear will do to you, how out of place it can make you feel, how fast it can change you. I stuck my head out from under the water and saw the humans chatting it up, not a clue to how much danger we were in, and not casting us mermaids a second glance, and ignoring the fact that they were being carried to safety by dolphins. Such amazing and blissful ignorance! Truly I am envious.

   "Oh," I chuckled with a blink as I looked over at the girl from before, the little one and the teen, her mother and the man....then the rest of them and I felt myself giving them a soft smile unintentionally. I see.... that's why humanity is unconquerable. Because their spirit is so strong-willed, once they've convinced themselves of something that's what they do. Like these ones here, they've decided they aren't in any danger so they're just enjoying the ride.

   "oh my god she's naked!" a girl shouted as she looked down at Laney who swam past her with a huff.

   "clothes weigh us down, plus you all our guests in our home. Show some respect," I looked over at an angry looking Cameron, obviously getting defensive of Laney.

   "unwilling guests!" the man called back and I frowned.

   "but guests none the less, we didn't have to save you. We could've and can let you just drown," I said calmly, locking eyes with him.

   "you can't that'd be......,"

   "illegal? Murder?" I giggled, "in your world yes, but you're in ours and out here its survival of the fittest, and to be honest with ya...... you don't look that fit," I grinned showing him my fangs.     "so, sit back and enjoy the ride,"

   "so, we're your hostages then?"

   "humans are so dumb! No of course not! You're free to leave anytime you like," Laney smiled as she swam around front.

   "Plus, we don't want to use you to bargain for anything, we just want you out of our home,"

   "is it true mermaids eat humans?" the teenage girl asked, and we swam silently in reply.

   "yeah...," I mumbled.

   "for real?"


   "so you guys are murders!" the man interjected and I sighed and used water magic to knock him out and the dolphin carried him more forcefully, and there were lots of gasps from the humans.

   "sorry but I've had a really rough night and I'm really not in the mood for that,"

   "scawy," the little girl cried and hid behind her mother.

   "I don't blame you, he was annoying," the teenage girl said. Great thing about teenagers they don't care about what older people tend to judge.

   "thank you,"

   "so you gunna eat him?"

   "NO! I have standards I'll have you know," I hissed in disgust and the teenage girl laughed.

   "didn't mean to offend.....where's your girl at?" the teen chuckled.

   "down there," I pointed down into the water.

   "why?" the mother of the small girl asked.

   "she's looking for her purpose,"

   "like soul-searching?" a young boy asked.

   "Yeah, something like that,"

   "right on," he grinned and threw up a surfer like gesture with a telephone looking hand shape.

   "I guess," I smiled back at him.

  "the ocean seems abnormally calm, no waves, no sea life, a comfortable temperature? Are you lot doing that?"

   "ye," Laney muttered.

   "thank you," the mom said and I nodded and tossed her something.

   "what is this?" she asked and I smiled and nodded to her scared daughter.

   "hand the water to your daughter,"

   "here angel, the nice girl wanted you to hold this," and they gasped in awe as it turned into a crystalized dolphin, the color a mixture of clear and sky-blue. The girl's eyes beamed alive with excitement and happiness and she jumped off the dolphin and into the water and I caught her in a second before she even went under.

   "thank you thank you thank you!" I felt my heart warm itself significantly as I handed the girl back to her mother. There's nothing like the innocence of a child, nothing at all.

   "take care of that ok?"

   "yeah yeah of course!" she nodded rapidly.

   "good...," I smiled and glanced upwards as an abundance of light and vibration caught my attention. A massive cruise liner was off in the distance, "this is as far as we take you," I spoke up as Laney and Cam used water magic to turn the cruise toward us and boosted it's speed.

   "Help!!" they called out and waved their hands and the ship's inhabitants looked over as they lowered lifeboats. Me, Laney, and Cameron floated off into the dark waves as the last of the plane's survivors were lifted onto the ship, and the dolphins dispersed. I took one last glance at them before shooting down into the abyss in the direction of the shore. We need to get to land, we're not ready to mount our assault yet, though I feel the time is coming soon when these oceans will belong to us again.

   After several miles of swimming, I could see the light of an island off in the distance about a mile above us. Swimming upward I felt my body become hit with warm air as I shot out of the water, and the water around us became solid blue dresses, as we trudged out of the water and onto the shore. Looking back at my sister and friend with a sigh of relief I turned around just in time to feel a splash of hot liquid in my lower chest that pushed me back into the ocean until I was under the water. Too hurt to react I just floated downward deeper and deeper and when I had the courage look down at my still burning abdomen, I saw what looked like a glowing red harpoon fashioned out of water magic, my blood floating all around it. Looking back up I saw Cam and Laney splash into the ocean as well, the same glowing spears through them as well, but something wasn't right.....the attacker didn't pursue us to see if we were dead or not, then....right before I passed out I felt firm hands around my waist as whatever held me, swam upward.

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