Protect Her ( William)

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After school, I walk to the diner close to the school. This week has been uneventful but I still can't believe they asked Me to take this case. It's not my first but I didn't expect to come back to highschool after completing two years ago. Yes, Two good years. I walked to the back booth as always. I still can't believe I'm actually doin this. Now I feel like I should have argued more when I was told about it.

I returned from the supermarket with Jason and the house sounded weirdly quiet. Normally Luna would be screaming orders or Mike and Phoebe would be arguing over who's the best at their job which in my opinion doesn't make sense because they both do different things.

I joined the agency right after highschool, well they came to me . I guess, I'm just that awesome (not to brag), apparently my martial arts teacher felt someone with my 'gift' as he called it, should not go to waste. I accepted immediately cause I really needed something to make my life more lively, plus which teenager would refuse the opportunity to go undercover.

"Where's everyone?" Jason asked me and I lifted my shoulders to show I had no idea after all we both just got back. Mike entered the living room "Oh good you're back. Luna wants to see you" he said while pointing at me, "Why? What's going on?" but he brushed off my question and insisted I go and see Luna so I did. I knocked on the door and entered to find Luna behind her desk as usual while Phoebe sat in one of the chairs on the other side facing her, "You asked for me?" "Sit down Liam", she said.

"So I called both of you because we have a serious issue at hand and I need your help", that was news cause Luna was literally like Wonder Woman to us she never needed help. This must be a big deal then." So you already know about Hugo's issue right?" she asked. Hugo is this drug baron we've been trying to bust for quite a while now but the man keeps slipping away from us. "There's been news that one of his hostages managed to escape with the help of one of the nurses from the general hospital in Sunnyville and now she's on their hit list".

She stopped and examined our expressions before continuing "So the plan is basically use Hugo's plan against him. We protect the family and get ready to strike when Hugo finally comes for them"." How does that affect us then?" Phoebe asked she seemed to have been here for a while and she was not liking it by the look on her face. "I'm getting there" Luna snapped clearly annoyed by the girl's interruption" .

Okay so, we already have people handling Miss Smith and her second daughter Lily now we need someone to be with Jasmine, her elder daughter which is why I called you here. Actually Liam you'll be handling this one" my eyes widened at the statement," Wait, why do they all need a bodyguard each and why me and not Phoebe? ". "Because you're more qualified for it. You've not done something like this before, I get it but you have to start somewhere right so start with this." She said with a small smile.

"You completed your training a while ago and you've followed Jason around for sometime now, you should be able to do this on your own". " But...but I don't want to" I argued " Well I'm not asking you I'm telling you. She's a highschool girl so obviously we can't let Phoebe go cause she's too old, no offense" she said to Phoebe. " She's just one year older than me" I revealed, " Well one year is still a difference Liam and besides Hugo's men don't know you so they won't suspect anything for a while. All you have to do is be around her and make sure she doesn't get hurt or taken by Hugo and if he does come around, you call for us and we get him.

Protect her Liam, like you were trained and paid to do" . I could clearly see that she had already made her decision so I decided to end it ," Okay" I said in a barely audible voice but she heard it. " Good. Phoebe will help you with what you need. You leave on Monday so you have three days to prepare" she said and excused us , "You can do it Liam I believe in you" she said before I could turn the knob.

I nodded and left, I know I'm being childish but I don't want to do this not now not under this circumstance. Later that night when everyone went to bed I went to the poolside I really needed to clear my head. With all that was going on in my life at the moment I expected Luna to give me more time but apparently she doesn't care.

I sat there with my feet in the pool as I moved my feet about in the water and looked up into the sky I was so lost in thought I didn't notice Phoebe get into the pool and swim towards me. "Hey, what are you doing out so late" she said which brought me out of my thoughts," I could ask you the same thing" she swam closer and rested her elbows beside me. "You know this case is not that bad right? You just have to be with her till we get Hugo that's it".

She said I appreciate her efforts to calm me down but we've been going after Hugo for almost a year now and he has managed to escape every time what was the guarantee that they'd get him any sooner. "You make it sound so easy but we both know it's not. What if I fail and Hugo manages to get to her huh, then what would I do?" I asked the one question that had been going on in my mind since Luna broke the news. "Hey" she said putting her hands on my legs, " Don't think like that. You're supposed to protect her and that's what you're going to do forget about what you're not able to do and give it your all . Luna wouldn't ask you to do this if she didn't think you could do it".

She held my hand, "You're not doing this alone. Yes you're going to be around her alone but we'll be watching too and we'll be ready to help when the time comes. We all believe in you kid you're very smart and a hell of a fighter I think you should just believe in yourself more". She tilted my chin up and smiled which made me smile back. Phoebe has always been like a sister to me and she's always there to hold me up when I'm down. I'm really grateful that I have her around but I'm not going to tell her that.

"I guess if you say it that way then I have to agree with you cause I am smart. I should be able to ace this" she smiled at what I said, "Good, now let's get to planning. What name are you going to use?" I raised my eyebrows at her question, "What do you mean?" "Well you can't use your real name obviously so what name do you want to use?" she asked," Well I've not really thought about it what do you think?" I asked her "How about Dimitri?" she quirked her brow, "No" . We went back and forth for a while before we settled on a name and went back to bed when it became cold.

I moved to Sunnyville and I live beside the house opposite of hers Luna said it was so that she wouldn't get suspicious and I could monitor her from my place. They gave me pictures of her so I could identify her. I did my research and realized she was currently not in school cause of a near rape incident and she was getting help at the moment which meant I wouldn't be seeing her for a while.

On the first day she returned to school I was confused because I was given the picture of a girl with long dirty blonde hair and apparently she had put on contact lenses but right in front of the class stood a girl with the same face but she had short peach hair and she wore these glasses which seem to be slightly bigger than something she'd wear. After researching her and finding out everything I needed and seeing her I felt more committed to protecting her. She looked so small and fragile standing beside the teacher and her expression screamed more of fear than excitement to be back in school. This was the person I was going to work with and as Phoebe said I'll do everything I can to keep her safe".

" Sir would you like to order now?" the waitress asked drawing me out of my head. Jasmine is my responsibility now and I am going to make sure that nothing hurts her. I turned to the waitress and made my order with a determined smile on my face.

Hello people. New update 🎉🎊🎉🎊
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