Bad Day (Jasmine)

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I walked home with my hand in his which has been our routine for the past weeks. Next week is the beginning of our final exam and I was the definition of worried and with the things that have been going on lately keeping calm was not easy.

Today I held his hand tighter. I still couldn't get what happened after school out of my head. We (Jared and I)  were asked go home early since our exam started next week the teachers gave us time to revise. I stood at the gate and bid Priscilla goodbye as always just as I was about to walk back into the school someone held my hand and started to pull me towards a car across the road.

I tried to resist but I wasn't strong enough so I did the only thing that came into my mind. I screamed Jared's name and like magic he actually appeared. The man seeing Jared heading towards us let go of me and sat in the car and drove away. Jared calmed me down and that's how we ended up here walking home with my hand gripping his like my life depended on it.

When we got to my house he turned to me, "Don't be scared okay. He's gone he won't hurt you". He smiled and opened his arms for me to walk into the hug and I did I needed it right now. " Don't worry I'll always be there for you okay" he placed his chin on my head as I held in the urge to cry. After a while he pulled me back and looked into my eyes," Okay now go inside and prepare for our lesson later.

I want my teacher refreshed and calm when I come over. Can you do that for me princess?" I nodded not really sure if I actually could. Since the principal asked me to teach him some weeks ago, Jared always comes over at four pm I teach him until it's time for supper then we do another hour after that before he goes home.

Apparently Jared's parents are never at home so he kind of lives alone. My mom decided that since he didn't live so far he can always stay for supper which is what he has been doing for a while now.

I walked up to the door while Jared stood by watching me until I entered then he turned and walked in the direction of his house. I walked in and met my mom sitting on the kitchen stool but she didn't notice me. The whole of this week she seemed off. She gets startled by the least thing and she seemed more protective than usual and she kept zoning out. I walked to her and tapped her. She shook and after realizing it was me she calmed down.

"Oh, Jasmine how was school?" she asked trying to hide her worried look but I wasn't fooled, "It was good". She looked like she had a lot on her plate I didn't want to add more so I didn't tell her about what happened at school. I walked to my room and after resting for a while I took my bath and changed into a large shirt and shorts. The shorts were literally covered by the shirt but I just wore it to feel comfortable. I fell on my bed and woke up and hour later when my mom called me that Jared had come.

I immediately jumped off the bed and walked clumsily  to the living room where Jared waited. "Hey" I said as I bounced in the couch. "Hello, I see you're better now" he smiled and ruffled my hair which I quickly slapped away, "Never do that again" I said and glared at him. Some might say I'm being too trusting with Jared and all but he hasn't given me a reason to doubt him and after today I feel indebted to him even more.

He looked at me with a shocked expression and I and I looked back at him with the same expression before we both burst out laughing. We calmed down a while later and I went into the kitchen to see if I could get some snacks before we began but I met her sitting at the counter again with her fist supporting her chin.

She was cooking something and I could smell it burning so I tapped her. She jumped again and looked at me with an angry expression. "What do you want this time Jasmine?" she yelled and I flinched. I was taken aback and a little scared this was the first time my mom acted like this. She was usually calm.

I cleared my throat and moved back a little before speaking, " I just w.. wanted to tell you that the food is burning" I stuttered hoping she won't get mad at me. She immediately ran to the fire after realizing what I was saying. "" I called again walking right behind her, " What!" she sounded irritated like I was bothering her but I still had to do this, " everything okay? It's just that..." "I'm fine" she cut me off harshly, "Now would you leave me alone or do you have something else to say?" she said without even looking at me. I gripped the hem of my shirt as I tried to hold back my tears, "sorry" I whispered in a small voice and left.

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