Can I Trust You? (Jasmine)

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I returned from school very tired. I went to my room to freshen up then I returned to meet my mom preparing supper with my aunt I tried to help but they sacked me and I ended up doing homework instead. Supper was ready just when I finished my homework and after eating I wasted no time and ran straight to bed after changing into my pajamas. I hugged my pillow with a smile and closed my eyes. A few hours later I woke up  with a start, since the incident I've not been able to sleep completely so I wake up to the slightest disturbance even if it is just my window being pushed opened.

Someone climbed into my room and for some reason my room was dark. I went to bed with the light on so who turned it off? My mom knows not to turn off my light. I didn't have much time to wonder as the figure headed towards my bed. I moved back while I held my pillow closer to me. My knees were close to my chest as I tried to hide my face. When he got closer the moonlight shone on his face and I realized it was Emmett. What was he doing in my room?

"Y.. you? Wh... wh.. what are you doing here?" I was on the verge of tears," What? Did you think I won't come back for you? " I whimpered as he climbed my bed." Oh Jassy, don't cry we both know you want me you're just playing hard to get" he raised my chin with his index finger so he could look me in the eyes, "Are you ready for me baby" I moved my face from him and tried kicking him away and it worked for a while then he held my legs, opened them and moved in between them closer to me , "Still feisty I see" he smirked and touched my hair.

"Love the new hair but I preferred it longer" he said as he held the bottom of my hair and pulled it making me scream and the tears I had been holding in spilled. He held my face in both his hands and drew closer just then there was a knock on my door, " Is everything okay, Jasmine?"  my mom called from behind the door, " Mom, mom help me" I screamed but before she could come in he escaped through the window once again but not before threatening me, "I'll be back, Jassy" he smirked and jumped down.

My mom held me the moment she entered, "Jasmine, Jasmine open your eyes baby" she repeated over and over again and eventually I did to realize it was all a dream but it felt so real. "He's coming for me mom, he's coming" I couldn't help it. What if he comes for me just as he did in my dream, what would I do then? I pulled my hair so much but I just couldn't let go. My mom tried to comfort me and whispered comforting words to me and in no time I went back to bed but not before I begged her to not leave me. I didn't want to be alone again and she was still there when I woke up at seven in the morning.

I looked at my bedside clock and immediately jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I came out after preparing. I wore a grey top with black jeans and picked the first pair of sneakers I saw before picking my bag and running to the kitchen where my mom had was preparing breakfast. " Mom let's go I'm almost late" she looked at me weirdly, "I don't think you should go to school today dear".

Believe me I didn't want to go it was a Saturday after all but I had extra classes which I couldn't miss if I wanted to pass my exams. "Mom I can't afford to miss anymore classes or I might as well just repeat the class. Now come on I'm going to be late" I wasn't really okay after what happened earlier today but I had to go to school, honestly I'm just pretending to be fine because I don't want her to worry.

It would be just me, a few teachers and Jared. I know dangerous. I ran to the car and waited for my mom who packed some pancakes for me to eat since I didn't have breakfast. She drove me to the school. I kind of missed Priscilla since she'd always meet me at the gate before we'd walk to class together but since it was not a school day I didn't expect her to be in school. I waved at my mom and walked into the school building. I went to my locker for some books and I saw Jared doing the same.

He walked up to me when he was done. "Good morning madam" he said with a fake British accent which caused me to give him a weird look" Good morning to you too" I responded. I'm just giving a chance to this friendship because he keeps trying so much and he really helped me the other day. Who knows what would have happened if he didn't find me when he did but it doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down.

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