Confiding In Him (Jasmine)

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We were interrupted by the waitress bringing our food which I finished in no time (I was very hungry). Jared just ordered fries since he wasn't too hungry and he even shared it with me when I finished eating. I sat up after cleaning my fingers I looked up at him. "So I guess I should tell you what really happened huh" I was nervous, scared and seriously second guessing what I was about to do but I have to tell someone eventually right.

"Okay so... how do I say this. Well that night I had planned to go to the party in just a tee-shirt and jeans but Miranda came by and made me wear a really nice dress she had instead. I wore it because she had been to a lot of parties and she knew a lot about what people wore and such. It was pretty short but I wore it anyway. The party went really well.

At the beginning I didn't drink much just one cup of punch but throughout Emmett kept making moves at me and I kept turning him down. Somewhere along the line the party became too hot so I decided to go and sit outside I tried looking for Miranda to tell her I was going out but then I saw her talking to Emmett. He was creeping me out so I just went out without telling her. The party wasn't really what I expected and I actually regretted going I didn't have many friends at school and even now I still don't I guess I'm just not good at making friends.

I sat on the porch for a while until Miranda came by to "check up on me" she also told me that Emmett claimed he liked me and wanted to speak to me but I told her I wasn't interested. We talked a little more and she tried to convince me to talk to him but when she realized I wasn't going to listen she left to get us drinks. You know I expected that because she was my friend she'd be the one to watch out for me but it turns out I was wrong".

I felt so used and disgusted at this point. I don't know why she would do that to me when I had not wronged her in anyway. I started crying again which annoyed me too, why was I being so weak and that too in front of someone I barely knew. Jared handed me another tissue. I cleaned my glasses which had fogged up and placed them beside me instead of putting them back on. I was really grateful for Jared being there and even though he said nothing his eyes were comforting enough.

"She... she... drugged me" his eyes widened in shock and you could tell that he didn't expect me to say that. " I drank a little of the drink and it tasted weird but I didn't ask her anything thinking I could trust her but I couldn't finish my drink when I lost consciousness and when I woke up later I saw her leave me in a room. She spoke to someone before she left and I realized it was Emmett when he entered later.

Then... then he.. he tried to force himself on me. He touched me all over and he wouldn't stop even when I begged him to. I still can't get it out of my head, after a lot of struggle I managed to run away. I walked home alone with my clothes torn at some places, nobody really noticed because the party was still ongoing and as I said I didn't really have friends".

I raised my head which had been down for a while and looked at Jared his fists were clenched on the table and he looked angry which was unexpected. I was shocked because I expected him to look sad or feel pity but not anger. I reached out and touched his hands after hesitating for a bit.

I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't want him to be angry for me it wasn't going to solve anything. "Don't be angry what has happened has happened I just have to deal with this now" I pointed to myself. He held my hand properly and I saw the anger slowly morph into concern, "So where's this Emmett guy now?"

"I don't really know, all my mom told me was she took care if it and his brother said he's getting help or something like that. That doesn't matter anyway because he's coming back for me" I said sadly " How are you so sure that he's coming back to get you?" he asked as he handed me another tissue with his free hand.

"Well I have these nightmares about it and I don't know I just have that feeling" I explained as I cleaned my tears. He rubbed the back of my hands to calm me down, "No one is going to hurt as long as I'm here. We just have to focus on you getting better maybe even go back to your old self".

I don't know why but I trusted him when he said he'd protect me. I nodded and he smiled which caused me to also smile too. " Thank you for listening to me. Honestly speaking I feel relieved", " I'm glad I could help" he said and stood up still holding my hand. " Let's get going we don't want your mom to get worried" I had totally forgotten about my mom. I felt so safe with him around I didn't see the rush. He paid for our food, I picked my glasses while he still held my bag and we left.

We walked hand in hand towards my house when I said out of nowhere," I'd like to change my hair again" he turned to look at me, "Why peach looks good on you?" I remembered my dream from this morning and my mind was made up. He realized I was thinking, "What are you thinking about?" I looked at him but I couldn't tell him why.

"If you agree to go with me to do my hair tomorrow I'll tell you" I surprised myself but I couldn't take it back and he agreed. "Okay I guess I can go with you but I still think your hair looks good and you shouldn't change it" . I had reached my house by then I took my bag from him and said thank you.

"Wait" I said as he tried to leave,"How will you get home?" I asked he laughed and pointed at his house, "I live there Jasmine" I was shocked because I didn't realize he lived so close to me. "Oh.. bye then" I waved and he laughed at my stuttering and waved back before I walked back inside.

Today had surprisingly been good maybe Jared isn't all bad. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen to find my mom cooking. I told her about my decision to change my hair and all that happened today maybe minus the passing out part, I don't want her to worry.

She didn't trust me to be safe so she offered to drive us which I don't really have a problem with. I skipped happily to my room and she laughed at my childish act. It's been long since I felt this happy and I wish it would stay like this.

Hi my lovely people. I hope you enjoy it. Stay safe and don't forget to vote and comment.

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