Keeping the Promise (William)

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It took a while before I realized that my ringtone was actually what woke me up immediately forgetting the position I'm in I stretched to pick up my phone and I fell. I quickly brushed off the pain and picked my phone.

I looked at the caller ID and realized Luna called me which is a big shock because Luna never calls first unless it's urgent. I immediately run to the bathroom and washed down totally forgetting to call back and ask what the emergency was (I'm such a professional, I know).

I returned from the bathroom all cleaned up and ready to go. I was in such a hurry I didn't notice the person sitting cross-legged on my bed watching me like an interesting movie.

Before I opened the door, I had another call this time it was Phoebe who called, "Where do you think you're going", she said in a half serious voice before I turned to see Phoebe looking at me with the beginnings of a smile on her lips. "What's wrong", I asked as I approached her, "Why do you think something is wrong?".

"Well, Luna called me so I assumed something must be wrong". I took a seat beside her, "WHY THEN DIDN'T YOU PICK HER CALLS" she yelled and lightly punched me on the shoulder, "I thought something happened to you when she said you were not picking up" she said softly. "Don't ever do that again" she continued.

She scolded me a little more and I thought it wise to not tell her my stupid excuse after all she was just looking out for me. "Okay so to my reason for coming" she cleared her throat, "Luna wants you to come back", "Why is Jasmine safe now?" I asked trying to hide my curiosity.

"Not exactly" she answered nervously and my excitement dropped, "Then why does she want me back", I asked in confusion, "If I'm not done with my assignment, why would she want me to stop? Does she not want to catch Hugo again?" I looked at Phoebe expectantly hoping that their reason for calling off the job was good enough because I wasn't going to leave my princess and break my promise (Woah, slow down sir, she's not yours).

"Well, you remember the note that was thrown into your room the last time I was here right" I nodded when she paused, "Jason received one similar to it a few days ago. In the note there was a threat but not for Jasmine or her family but this time it was for you".

That is definitely news, I was shocked but not scared and definitely not willing to stop protecting Jasmine, "So that's why she wants me back?" she nodded. "What happens to Jasmine and her family then?", "Someone else will be put in charge of Jasmine but her mother is protected and since her sister isn't in the country we can be assured that she's safe".

"So you're replacing me?" I think the heartbreak on my face was obvious, "What happened to this being an opportunity for me to learn how field work felt like huh? What about all she said about believing in me? This sure doesn't sound like belief, why is she taking me away?".

"Calm down Liam "she said while placing her hand on my shoulder, "She's just trying to keep you safe, it's not that she doesn't believe in you, she just doesn't want you to get hurt on your first mission", "That's no excuse, we're basically trained to die protecting our victims and she never told me to stop when I got hurt training why does she want to stop me now huh ,why?".

"Liam, you don't know Hugo he's not just some criminal. He's ruthless and unforgiving, don't be stubborn" she queried "But Phoebe I'm not being stubborn I'm being a good bodyguard remember? The one you guys took early 'cause you said he was very qualified. The one you spent almost two years training and now when the time has come for me to prove myself, you want to stop me. Then what was all the training for?", I argued.

"How are you supposed to protect her when you're on their list too. William, don't be like this I don't want to imagine what would happen to you if I let you continue this. I'll take your place if it'll make you feel better so I'll give you feedback and I'll let you meet her if you want don't put you and her in more danger" she was basically begging me at this point but the only thought in my head was how sad and alone Jasmine would feel when she finds out that I agreed to leave even after I promised to always be there for her.

It already happened once and I wasn't going to let it happen again I was going to keep my promise NO MATTER WHAT.

"Phoebe, the moment I accepted to do this I put myself in danger, I'm not going to chicken out just because they have me on their list and I am definitely not going to break Jasmine's trust. I promised her I was going to be with her no matter what and I'm willing to keep that promise. Tell Luna I'm not going to leave Jasmine or her family until we catch Hugo" I said in a finalizing voice so she'd realize that I wasn't going to argue with her anymore on the subject.

If that's all then I guess you can leave. Normally, I wasn't this rude but I still couldn't believe that they'll ask me to abandon my duties just because of my safety after all the teaching and training on sacrifice and responsibility.

I stood up and went into my closet to change into something comfortable leaving Phoebe on my bed. I'm supposed to eat and then go over to Jasmine's so we could continue practicing her walking. I don't want her to go to the prom in a wheelchair either. Sure two days is not enough for her to walk properly but that's what she has me for and I was willing to help her as long as she was willing to try.

I came back to meet Phoebe gone as silently as she came and in her place there was a box with a note on it and it read:

"I knew convincing you to leave her was going to be impossible I'd have to carry you away instead. The way you look at her tells. Mike asked me to give these to you and your princess. It's a tracker, I know you think you don't need it but please put it on for me and don't get killed if not I'll kill you my self the second time. We'll always be here, looking out for you. XOXO PHOEBE

I blushed a little as I read the note. I could never really hide anything from her. I opened the box and looked at it's content before placing it in the drawer beside my bed and heading to Jasmine's house with a smile still plastered on my face.


Tying with a laptop and typing with a phone are two different experiences but I like the laptop more. I know the update was late and I'm very sorry, my schedule is just too packed I don't really get much time but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing of that you can be assured.



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