Prom (Jasmine)

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Sun rays in the morning, God they can be annoying. Who said I wanted to wake up early. Wait, if there are rays of light entering my room, which means my curtains are open and I'm sure I closed them before sleeping. Why are my curtains open?

I just lay on my bed panicking afraid to open my eyes what if he's lying beside me waiting for me to wake up. What should I do should I scream? I was seriously becoming restless slowly drifting into a panic attack. I held onto my pillow tightly and squeezed my eyes shut trying to keep my panicking self under control but it was no use.

Just about that time I heard my door open and close. I screamed really loud and turned to face the door, eyes still closed. If he was there, I didn't want to see him hurt me. "Please stay away from me, please I cried as I held on tightly to my pillow". I could just imagine him with a smirk on his face approaching my bed. I could hear footsteps approaching my bed and I knew this was it. He said he'll come back for me and he did.

What I heard next shocked me, "Jasmine, its me. No one is going to hurt you Jared said while rubbing my back". Oh I can't describe the relief that washed over me I opened my eyes and immediately hugged him so tight when I realized he wasnt Emmett.

I was so relieved I started crying. He lifted me off him and sat beside me on the bed, "Why is my princess crying?", he asked with a goofy smile on his face, "I felt the rays from my window and I thought Emmett had come back to hurt me and then when you entered I thought you were him" I said between sobs. "Oh princess he's not coming back to hurt you, I'll make sure of that dont worry". he said and hugged me again.

I opened the window because I wanted you to wake up and I left to bring you breakfast, I'm sorry that I scared you. He released me and went for the tray with food for us. I washed my face brushed my teeth and we settled to eat.

Jared, why are you here this morning? I asked after a while, "Why, do you want me to leave?", he asked back and I shook my head. I really missed him when he wasn't around yesterday I was very bored until Priscilla came to disturb me and left and my mom too was out of it the whole day so I had no one to talk to.

"It's just you never came here the whole day yesterday so I thought you maybe...", "Princess dont even continue, you missed me and you're trying to hide it. I get it". Oh God this cocky child. "Who said I missed you?" I retorted, "Well then, I guess you won't mind me leaving", he said and made to get down from the bed but I held him back. "See you missed me", he said and sat back down and we continued eating.

"Okay", he started after putting the tray away, "The actual reason why I came here is because" he paused and walked to my study table, picked something and hid it behind his back. "A certain someone told me that my princess was refusing to attend the prom today because she didn't have a date", he said and stood beside my bed, "Oh come on Jared you know I can't go I'm hurt and its probably going to be boring".

"Even if I decide to go with you?", he asked out of nowhere, seriously. "You know I'm still going to say no right?" I dont get why Priscilla thought that I would go just because Jared asked me. I mean is it reason enough, yes, but am I going, still no.

"Oh but Jasmine it's your last prom don't you want to at least go and see what's going to happen. Don't give me the I can't walk excuse because I know you can, not perfectly but that's why you'll have me around".

I thought about it he did have a point I've never been to prom and it'll be nice to see what actually goes on there and he'll be there so I'll be safe. "Okay fine, but you have to promise to never leave me", I said and he immediately agreed. "Okay I have to give you this now he said and handed me a flower. "I wanted to get you a bouquet but I won't be able to hide it so I took just one", he seemed shy for some reason it was kinda cute.

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