Baby Steps (Jasmine)

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"No not that one it's too long. I still can't walk properly" I screamed at Priscilla through the phone. Why you might ask because someone thought it was a good idea for me to get a prom dress when I don't even know if I would attend it.

Honestly, I don't know how I let Jared talk me into buying a prom dress. I know it's my last but I can't walk so well and I don't plan on going there in a wheelchair either. Priscilla, being the good friend that she is (note the sarcasm) took it upon herself to be my stylist for the prom.

You should have seen my face when I received a call from Priscilla only to be told that she was going shopping instead of going to rest like everyone else who just returned from a field trip. I expected Jared to at least help me out but apparently he's not totally against idea. I feel helpless at the moment but I can't really complain, can I?

"Prom is in two days we have lots of time to talk about whether you'll go or not" Priscilla told me for the twentieth time but this time I wasn't really listening because no matter how much I didn't want to go to prom, I had spotted a dress that I felt would look good on me right behind her.

Priscilla had already selected her dress but she still had to walk around and look for a dress for me and for quite a while now, I have been stalling refusing any dress she suggested so she'd give up and leave me alone but strong willed Priscilla would not let it go. The moment I saw the dress I knew I wanted it. It was a strapless night blue dress with white beads sown into the upper part and lines in the lower part(like the one above).

It looked really beautiful and it wasn't too long at the front but long at the back and also open so walking in it was not going to be a problem. "I want that one" I pointed out to Priscilla and she beamed immediately it was very obvious that she was relieved because I had finally selected a dress.

Jared who had left earlier to "give us privacy" returned a few minutes after I selected the dress." Hey" he greeted me and sat on the bed. "Priscilla have you guys chosen your outfits yet?" he addressed looking away from me.

Priscilla hid the dresses she was holding behind her when he came closer so he wouldn't see them. "Don't worry Jared, you'll see it on prom night" she clarified when he rose an eyebrow at her action. "At least tell me the color of Jasmine's dress" he begged and she immediately told him. We both said our goodbyes and ended the call so she could go and pay for the clothes.

"So why do you want the color of my dress" I asked him when he put the phone away, "You'll see" that was all he said but he had a smile that was kind of creepy and made me suspect he was going to do something horrible but before I could ask him anymore questions, he raised himself to rest on his elbow from his previous lying posture and I followed suit. Unfortunately, clumsy me did it a little too much and ended up hurting my leg which caused me to yelp in pain. Jared immediately went to see what the problem was fortunately, there was no damage.

He looked up at me while still holding my leg "You're fine" he assured me and gently placed my leg down. He crawled closer to me so we were face to face and he pushed my hair out of my face to see the tears in my eyes from the pain. "It'll heal very soon just be strong okay" I nodded enjoying the warmth his hands gave my cheeks. He held me for a while and smiled.

"I had an idea, how about you start practicing how to walk. I know you're not completely healed yet but I asked your mom and she said it would be good if you started practicing so you wouldn't have problems when you heal", it sounded like a good idea so I nodded to it.

"Okay, let's get to it then", he helped me slowly get of the bed until I was leaning on him. "Okay, now slowly try to stand on both your feet. Don't worry I'll be holding you incase its too much". This is sort of the day I've been waiting for 'cause I've always wanted to get out of the wheelchair even if it's just been two days.

I have to do my best at this. "We're only walking to your door for the time being" he pointed out. I tried standing on my feet and even though it hurt I sucked it in. He made sure I was standing firm, okay not firm but you get the point, then he moved from my side to in front of me so that he was holding my hands. "Okay ,princess", he said drawing my attention to him.

"Don't force yourself okay, but I know you can do it" he smiled as always and took the first step, if we can even call it that. It looked so easy and besides it's not like it's my first time walking so I took the step too.

BIG MISTAKE I put too much pressure on my injured foot and nearly fell but then Jared caught me. I felt so bad as my hands remained around him and my face in the crook of his neck. He lifted me a little of the floor so I wasn't really standing anymore.

Why is it so hard to do something I've been doing my whole life? How many days has it been since I got injured? Those thoughts started coming to my head again but before they could take root, he looked at me and asked "Are you okay?", I hesitated a bit before nodding which he definitely noticed.

"We can stop and do it another time if you want" he suggested but I wasn't ready to continue being a burden to anyone anymore I'm going to do this and do it continuously until I start walking normally.

He held my hands again and looked at me to see if I was okay, "Move your hurt leg first so you don't put too much pressure on it and do it slowly, we have all afternoon and tomorrow there's a lot of time, okay". He then took another step as the first but before I could lift my leg he stopped me again.

"Don't look down at your feet, look at me" I raised my head to look at him, into his eyes ,the beautiful ones. He walked closer and moved my hair out of my face and I still looked at him. "You can do this", he encouraged for the last and then we were off to a start. We went very slow, a little too slow if you ask me but after what happened at first I was cool with it.

Once in a while I would try to look down at my feet and he'll just lift up my head and point to his eyes still smiling and it gave me courage.I could see so much hope in his eyes, it gave me hope too and took my mind off the pain a bit and before I knew it we were at my door. What a relief, honestly I was so happy I would have jumped if it wouldn't hurt. I looked down at my feet again and he lifted up my head again, "We did it princess, we reached the door" the gleam in his eyes alone took my joy to another level.

We tried again this time walking back to my bed and with every step we took, the happiness in me just grew and grew till we reached the bed. I was so excited I hugged Jared so hard that we both fell on the bed. Normally, I would worry about my leg but not today and Jared too didn't seem to mind that I was squishing him.

I just lay there on him with his arms around him someone might say I was enjoying it too much but Jared was enjoying it too so we remained like that for a little while. It was kind of like we were in our own world no talking and for once I wasn't crying it was just peaceful as we lay on the bed that was before my mom called us to come down for supper.

I groaned in annoyance as he placed me gently on the bed beside him and stood up and I also prepared to get up so we could go together but he held me back ,"Stay here, I'll get our food" he said and walked to the door about to leave when I called out to him.

"Jared" he turned to me with the door still open, "Don't forget the juice" I added with a smile. "Don't worry princess" he said in a smooth voice before winking and leaving me a blushing and confused in my room.

This boy never fails to amaze me, honestly.




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