Teach Him (Jasmine)

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"Hey you" I greeted Priscilla as she turned and smiled at me. She hugged me and even though I didn't return it her smile never faltered. "Good morning Jasmine, I can see you had a makeover she said as she touched the ends of my new silver hair" I smiled at her. " Yeah, is it okay?" I know that my mom told me it looked okay but I just wanted to hear it from another person.

We walked into the school and I saw a few people turn to look at me which made me self conscious. Priscilla noticed and rubbed my shoulder to calm me, "Your hair looks amazing don't worry".

We headed towards our lockers. She picked her books and met me at my locker. We had a few minutes before we had to go to class and as we were debating on whether to go to the library or just head to class when Jared walked to us. "Woah, who's this?" he said pretending to not recognize me which made me laugh.

Even though I went with him to dye my hair, he could see the outcome and I refused to tell him the colour I chose but from his reaction he clearly liked it. "Your hair looks so cool where did you dye it" he said exaggerating the fact that he was surprised.

"Oh please", I hit his shoulder playfully, "I went with you, remember?". He pretended to think for a while before he smiled and snapped his fingers, "Right, I did. Didn't I?" I laughed at him feigning ignorance. "I think I should also dye my hair" Priscilla said and I looked at her.

'Why?" Jared and I asked at the same time, "Well, maybe I'll get as much attention as you're getting and maybe get someone to look at me" she said the last part with a sad smile while looking at behind us. Jared and I turned to see her looking at Parker, one of our mates. "First of all"  I said turning around, "You two are the only ones giving me att..." Priscilla cut me off and pointed behind me before I could finish and I noticed a couple of people were looking in our direction, "I don't like the way that guy is looking at you" Jared who stood beside me said with a frown, I hit his chest lightly, "Focus, we're talking about Priscilla not me".

"Okay, Priscilla you don't have to change your hair to get attention and about Parker, he must be blind if he hasn't noticed you yet. Everyone one in the school likes you you're such a nice person you don't need new hair trust me. Now let's go to class". I turned but then I noticed a lot of people were actually watching me.

I started to panic a little, maybe the new hair wasn't the best idea. So...so many people staring at m..me. Jared moved closer to me and bent to my level, "Don't panic we're here, nothing is going to happen" I nodded but my face didn't show any signs of relaxing.

He immediately looked in his bag and removed a bucket hat, "Here, wear this" he placed it on my head and it covered my hair. "Now let's go" he took my hand and we walked to class. Priscilla was completely shocked, I guess I have a lot to explain later.

We had English first but the teacher had some errands to run and couldn't come so I spent the class reading a book to Priscilla while Jared played games on his phone as most of the other students were doing. The time moved by so fast and in no time, the lesson was over with no teacher coming.

We quickly walked to our next class. The last class before lunch was Chemistry. We were supposed to learn preparation of gases. We put on our lab coats and went to our respective tables. I sat at the same place as I always did with Priscilla while Jared sat at the far back. I'm not complaining but I would have liked it if he sat in front of us like he always did. During the preparation I did something stupid that had me feeling weird the rest of the day.

I didn't know what gas we had prepared cause I wasn't really listening and out of excitement I placed my nose too close to the testube. The smell was too strong and I immediately placed it down but I felt weird for the rest of the day. At lunch Jared noticed that I wasn't really eating and he leaned closer. I was now used to him being around me and since he assured me that I could trust him I felt safer and more relaxed when he was near.

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