Chapter 11

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We quickly arrived back in the lair and spotted Noah, who was pacing around in the room. Looks like he is waiting for someone. Me and Faith walked over to him to greet him.

"Hi, Noah!" I cheerfully said with a smile on my face. He turned around with a small smile.

"Ah. There you are." He said calmly.

"What's the beat?" Faith asked him. It was only then when I noticed something in his hand. It was the drive Faith stole out of Elysium Labs.

"Buzzing with the news that you're back, apparently. But I want to talk about this." His smile vanished and was replaced by a more serious face, as he showed her the drive.

"If you're gonna use it for leverage with Dogen, we need to figure out what it is."

My eyes widened as I heard that name. "Dogen"... What the hell does Faith have to do with Dogen?! The asian girl noticed me staring at her with a puzzled look on my face. She gave me a look back that said "I'll tell you later."

Noah spoke up again while giving Faith the drive.

"I have a contact in Anchor who is a wizard with gridWare. Name is Plastic. Take the drive there."

Confused, I looked up to him again.

"Plastic?" I asked him. He scratched the back of his head a bit at my question.

"Yeah. Plastic can be a bit -- nevermind. Go there, and we'll see what comes out of it."

Faith nodded and turned to me.

"Wanna come with me?" She asked as she put away the drive. I don't know why, but that question kinda caught me off guard, which showed in my response.

"Huh? Uhm… uh, yeah! Sure, I'd like to!"

"Okay. Then let's go." She said blankly and walked out of the lair. I quickly followed her, but as we were about to go down the stairs, Noah stopped us.

"You'll need some gear to get to Anchor district. Icarus will set you up." We just nodded and made our way to Icarus, who was already waiting for us. He walked over to us with something in his hands.

"Finally." He said in an annoyed tone. Faith already had enough of him, based on her facial expression.

"Noah said you have some gear for us?" She asked him while I stayed silent.

"I do. This." He showed us the gear. To be honest, at first glance it looked a bit strange. He gave us one each, telling us to put it on. I looked over to Faith, who was putting in on her right arm, so I just did the same.

"Make sure you only attach it to secure points. Then you jump, and swing. Not much more to it." He explained and I just gave him a strange look. What does he mean with "attach it"? My question soon got answered as he demonstrated it. My confused look soon got replaced by excitement. He just gave us a grappling hook!!

Me and Faith tried it out as well, of course. As I reached the other side I detached the hook and landed safely on the other side, right next to Icarus.

"This is cool! Where did you get that?" I asked him with excitement in my voice.

"That's a secret. But I'm glad you like it.'' He responded with a smirk on his face. But that quickly faded when Faith reached us.

"I like it." She told him in a more monotone way. But I guess based on Icarus' reaction, he took that pretty good.

"Easy, huh. Try it a few times until you get the hang of it." He told us before leaving. I waved him goodbye before Faith snatched my jacket and dragged me away. 

"What's your deal with him? You got a crush on him or what?" She asked me. Why the hell would she ask me that? Jealous much? Even though I don't know why she would be jealous.

"Uhm… no? I'm just… friendly?" 

Why did I say this like that? I'm not even into guys!

Faith doesn't seem to like my response, based on her expression. So I guess I messed that up. 

The run to Anchor district was silent. A bit too silent. The only time she talked to me was to make sure I'm still with her. Other than our usual routes, we actually got to get up a ladder and a set of stairs. But after that, and a couple of wallruns, we were rewarded with a beautiful view. 

Shimmering Heights really was one of the prettiest areas in the whole city.

Faith gave me a couple of minutes to take in the view before running again. Our runner's vision led us through the rooftops and even a couple of rooms. After a while Noah contacted us through our BeatLinks.

"As I said, Plastic can be a bit … interesting, but I have a feeling the three of you will get along just fine." He told us before cutting off the connection again. I huffed a bit at his sentence and continued running. After a while we finally reached our destination. We walked around a bit before the door behind us suddenly closed in on us.

I jumped a bit at the sudden event, while Faith just pulled me to her side. At the other side of the corridor a security bot appeared.

"State your names and business. You have five seconds to comply." The bot said with a female voice. Oh great. Those things almost never worked back at the office…

I crossed my arms while Faith placed her hands on her hips.

"Faith and (Y/N). Here to see plastic." She told the bot, slightly annoyed.

"Four. Three-" the bot continued to count. The hell?! Faith started to freak out, but not as much as I did.

"Dude I hate this bot!!" I yelled out of anger and fear. We heard a girl yelling inside of a room.

"What the hell? I said "cancel"!" The unknown girl yelled while we were searching for a way out. The bot was counting down all the way down, ready to eliminate us. Out of fear I just clinged onto Faith and closed my eyes, waiting for the bot to eliminate us. But before it could do anything, it got shut down, probably from that girl called "Plastic".

Me and Faith stood up from the ground and a girl walked out of the room, right next to us.

"Sorry. Almost killed you. Come in."

Female Reader x Faith ConnorsWhere stories live. Discover now