Chapter 12

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But this chapter is a bit short (or maybe it isn't but it's not really having any story progress in my opinion)
Fighting with my writing block and I'm warming up again. Hope you guys don't mind :/

Sorry. Almost killed you." There was a long pause as me and Faith just looked at her, still embracing each other. Plastic then gestured us to come inside. That's when I actually noticed how stupid we looked together, me holding onto Faith for dear life while she was embracing me in a protective manner. I guess she noticed as well because she started to let go of me, even though she was still hesitant about it. I just rolled with it and quickly let go of her as well and with that awkward energy we walked into the room.

The room itself was very bright, the brightest things being the 5 or more monitors on the wall.

While I was looking around a bit, Plastic's voice caught my attention again.

"So you're Faith? And I guess you're (Y/N)? What do you guys want?" She asked while typing something with the tablet in her hand. When Faith came along she kind of looked impressed but also intimidated. I don't know, maybe it was just me.

"I…" she started but trailed off instantly. Haven't seen her like that before. But she instantly picked up the conversation and took out the drive she stole yesterday.

"Can you tell us what this is? What's on it?" She asked her while showing her said drive. Plastic looked unimpressed by that but shrugged it off with a simple "sure" and started to take a look at what information that little device has. Unfortunately, she didn't get far as we got blocked by some sort of security wall.

"Foreign." Plastic muttered out blandly while trying a way to get around that security wall.

"Well, yeah. I found-" Faith started, but was quickly interrupted by plastic saying "Not a question.", followed by Faith holding up her hands in defense with an annoyed look. I know for a fact that those two are gonna get along very well soon enough. Just as I was about to sit down I heard a robotic voice. Clearly Faith heard it too since she started to look for the origin of the sound. I tapped her shoulder while gesturing at the small robot who kind of seems like he's having a malfunction, saying something about us being intruders.

I was about to say something but Plastic had other plans. She glanced at the robot and simply told him to shut up. She then went back to work. 

"Don't mind him. I'm making him smarter." Plastic said bluntly. I smiled at the robot, whose name was Kuma, while Faith waved at it. Glancing back at Plastic, she was doing quite well, I guess. 

"Encrypted…" she told herself while trying to get access to the data stored in that drive.

"OmniStat mil-grade… woah. I bet they want it back." She said with excitement. Faith decided to step into that "conversation".

"Yeah, well I-" she started, but got cut off again by Plastic.

"Not a Question." Plastic interrupted. I guess she likes doing that a lot.

"When do you need the data by?" She asked Faith. For some reason I cut into their little conversation.

"Uhm… We were hoping maybe today?" I asked cautiously. Plastic looked at me like she was searching for something. Probably to see if I was joking or not. Her face had a more puzzled look after she noticed that I was serious.

"It'll take at least a month just to crack the surface layer." She told us. Just from that sentence I should've known that today was not going to be pretty. Faith knelt down beside her. She also dragged me down and I almost lost my balance because of that sudden action.

"Anything we can do?" Faith asked her eagerly.

The way she asked her made Plastic kind of uncomfortable. You could see it on her face. Or she was thinking. I don't really know. My attention went to Faith for a second and I saw her looking down at me and just shrugged her shoulders, to which I did the same. 

"Uhm, hook me up to a gridNote." She said to which Faith was turning her attention to Plastic again. I did the same but my face already said it all. A gridNote? Really? It didn't help at all that Plastic gave Faith a choice: gridNote or wait a month. This is not gonna be fun…

"A gridNote it is. What do we do?" "She asked again, but this time a bit more careful. Plastic explained to us that we have to get access to the AllCom Gateway for her to remote the thing we were here for. Faith gave her a nod and dragged me with her, only for me to protest.

"Why do you want me to come with you?" I asked her. I was barely a real runner. That part made me still skeptical. Noah was quick to welcome me, and even Faith's invitation was all too sudden. Something smelled fishy, but now is not the time to think about that. I can take care of that later. I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. 

"I might need backup in there. If someone messes anything up we can help each other so no one dies or gets caught. Plus how are you supposed to learn if you aren't taking risks?"

The last part made me huff a bit. After some days I learned that Faith likes to play with her life. And with some of the others too. Can't even count how many times she almost gave me a heart attack. But it's not like I can prevent anything. That's just how she is. 

After some talking I eventually gave up and came along. While running to our destination plastic gave us some useful instructions. And with us I mean Faith. Since she's the one wearing at least one glove, plastic gave her the task to connect plastic to the Gateway. Meanwhile I was tasked with taking down any guard while Faith was occupied. Like I said. It's not gonna be fun at all today…

Just as we were out Noah chimed in. It was just some little smalltalk. He did tell us that the gridNote is heavily guarded though. Well ain't that fantastic…

"You two, you need to go across Turing Avenue to get to AllCom. Use your MAG's" Noah instructed. Well, at least some swinging around. Can't say no to that. After one quick swing we were met with a ventilation shaft. Finally we were at AllCom. Faith opened it up and turned to me after.

"Ladies First." She said in a joking manner and gestured to the vent. I just shook my head and shoved her a little bit before climbing in. I really hope she loses that nickname. Then again, a lot of people called me 'lady' before. I guess that's what you call newcomers? Still hoping that she's stopping with this though...

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