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Being a trainee is hard but being one that doesn't fit into the standards is even harder. I'm a bit on the chubbier side and I'm Thai. Not only that but I have a leg condition called Lymphedema which makes things harder. Although I'm all that and worse you'd think I'd hate myself? Fuck no! My curves make me unique. Plus, it's always been my dream to be an idol. I passed auditions but I want to debut.

"Milli!!! You got accepted!!" My older brother Kane tells me. I squeal and squeeze him tight.

That was years ago. I'm now part of a girl group named SKULLZ and believe it or not people love me for my unique figure. Anyway, since it was a holiday I got to go back home and see my brother.
I knock on the door and get greeted with shirtless guy who just stares at me in shock. "Uhm.. Is my brother here? I could've sworn this was the address.." I say scratching my head and looking at the slip of paper. "Kane is your brother, right?" He stutters back. "Yeah! Is he here?"
"Milli?!?" I hear him shout and run past the guy hugging me tight. "I missed you so much!" He says as he wipes his imaginary tears and I just laugh.
"Come in." He says while some other guy with a stuffed animal grabs my bags. I get closer to Kane and whisper "Who are they?" He just shuts the door behind us and sits me down on the couch.
Next thing I know he's shouting and four more boys come down.
Holy shit.
"Since you guys didn't believe me, here's my sister." He says and they're mouths drop.
"Hi!" I smile.
"Are you guys actually siblings?" The one with stuffed animal asks. I laugh and reply "Would I really come here if I wasn't?" He just nods. "Alright, so those two are Sebastian and Oliver and they're brothers. Uhm.. that one is Darren. That is Justin and Reggie. Uhm obviously me and lastly we have Ryan." Kane says while they all smile. Ryan caught my attention. I found him, Darren, and Justin to be my favorites. Besides my brother, of course.

I shyly wave back and look at all of them one by one. They are all really attractive. I stop and lock eyes with Ryan. He smiles and I freeze. Shit.
"So sis," Kane starts "what's up with all those dances?" I just roll my eyes and say "They're just dances. You can't be talking either, you mask fish." He just rolls his eyes and fake pouts " Whatever."

A few hours passed and they were all talking about how they didn't know what to make so I offered to go to the store. It was that moment I screwed up because I was now sitting in a car with Ryan.

480 words
I also do requests <3
QOTD- What's your favorite color?

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