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I just wanna start off by saying that I'm sorry it's taken so long for another part! I'm going through a lot but really trying so you guys have this as entertainment. Since I was gone I plan on making this one long.

I usually would wake up in Ryan's embrace but today was different. Nobody could know I was with him.
I walk down the stairs and see basically everyone in the kitchen except for Darren.
"Morning!!" Kane says and gives me a big hug.
"Can you go get Darren up?" Manager Ty asks. "Sure" I reply with a smile.

I walk back up the stairs and head to Darren's room. I knock first, "Darren? Are you awake?"
No response. I gently turn the knob and enter seeing him passed out while cuddling his stuffy. I chuckle at the adorable sight.
I gently tap his shoulder once, no response. I then gently shake him, also no response.
"Darren, please wake u-" I get cut off by being pulled into the bed. I let out a little squeal as I was shocked.  He just groaned and wrapped his arm around me. "Darren?" I say. "Hmm?" He replies.
"Time to get up." I say while gently patting his back. He groans but then says "alright." He gets up and locks eyes with me.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." He says. "It's fine. You thought I was someone else probably." I quickly suggest.
Kane, Reggie, Manager Ty, and guess who? RYAN!
All walk into the room.

Oh fuck. I think. Ryan and I make eye contact and he seems upset that I was in Darren's bed.
"Hey! You got him up!" Reggie says while coming closer to pat me on the back. Ryan smiles at me and walks out of the room. Darren and I make awkward eye contact and then I suggest cooking breakfast.

"Nah, you suck at cooking." Kane says. I smack him in the back of the head jokingly and leave the room to head downstairs.
I plop myself on the couch and scroll through my phone. I got a text from a member of my group saying:
"There's a kpop thing going around, it's called Kpop Random Dance. If we do it we can get lots of views and more of a fanbase."

I love that idea but they don't speak any English. I text her back and tell her to come down with our other member and we'll do it.
I leapt from the couch to go upstairs and get changed.
Hmmm... what to wear. I then hear a knock and I walk over to open the door.
"Hey" Ryan says while walking in. "Hey." I say back while rummaging through my closet.
"What are you looking for?" He asks.
"An outfit, I'm going out to meet my members. We're gonna do this random dance thing at a dance studio near by." I say while finding a rainbow crop top, grey sweatpants, and a white zip up sweater.

"That sounds like fun. Can we come?" He asks.
I nod and push him out of the room so I can change.

Once changed I walk downstairs to see everyone ready. I slip my shoes on and we head to the studio.
I get out and see my members. I greet them both with a big hug.
"Is it alright if they watch?" I ask in Korean. "Sure." Aera (the oldest member) replies.
Aera and Yena set up the music while I set up the YouTube video.

Age order;
Aera: Oldest
Yena: Middle
Milli (you): Youngest

597 words used
QOTD- What's your sexuality?
Stay healthy and be you!
I love you! <3

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