Awkward Car Ride

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Pretty much the whole car ride was awkward. I couldn't do anything but sweat. "Are you okay? Should I turn down the heat?" He asks. "No! It's freezing outside!" I reply while shooing his hand away. He softly chuckles and says "Fine. So, what's it like being famous?" He asks. " I could ask you the same. You're literally the go to guy for girls to simp over." I laugh and so does he. " Well, I mean what's it like being an idol?" He asks while I shrug. " I'm not sure what to say about it. It's really stressful and tiring but I love it." I say. " You're good at it too. You speak Korean, Thai, English, and Chinese. That's amazing." He says which causes me to look away from how badly I'm blushing. "Thanks.."

Shortly after we arrived and he parked. Right as I was about to open my door he runs across the front of the car to open it for me. "I can open my own door, you know? Just because I'm an idol doesn't mean I'm incapable of the simplest things." He just smiles and reply's with a quick "I know."
After grabbing food we go back to the car. While joking around and laughing he stares blankly at me causing me to look back at him. "What?" I ask. "Are you wearing makeup?" He asks. "Not a lot, just mascara and lip tint. Why? Do I look bad?" I question while kinda freaking out. "No, you just look pretty. That's all." He reply's and laughs one last time before shutting the trunk and hopping in the trunk.

I feel my eyes slowly shut as the quietness soothes my ears.

Ryan POV:
The only thing I could think of was her. I look over to her passed out. I chuckle and pullover to grab a blanket from the back seat and place it over her. I admire her features. I admire everything from her soft eyes, to her cute nose, her little chubby cheeks, all the way to her pink lips. I smile and start driving back. I pull into the driveway and see all the lights off and realize they're all sleeping. I grab the groceries and set up a little bed on the couch before heading back to the car and carrying her inside, gently placing her on the couch and tucking her in.
I couldn't help but admire her even more. She's so beautiful. Every little thing about her is special and that's why I love her. I brush a piece of hair behind her ear and then head up to my room.

I love her not for her popularity, but for the way she's caring, sensitive, creative, talented, and most importantly sets her own standards. Her confidence makes her so beautiful. It's so unreal at how her inner beauty is so perfect that anyone could fall for her.

485 words
I take requests <3
QOTD- Favorite Genre of music?
Stay healthy and don't skip a single meal <3

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