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I think about two days passed without talking to Ryan. I would smile at him and receive a smile back or a hi but that was it.
I don't know how to talk to him without making it awkward. Plus I don't know what happened or why he started not talking to me.

I saw him walk upstairs while we were all hanging out and I thought I'd try to talk to him.
So, I walked up the stairs and couldn't see him.

I get pulled by someone and all of a sudden I'm in a room with Ryan.

"Following me huh?" He questioned while crouching next to me.
"No, well.. yes, but I was just trying to talk to you.." I say while avoiding his eye contact.
He just laughs and stands up to sit next to me.

"I thought you were mad at me.." I say while still not looking at him.
"Listen, I'm not mad. I just can't explain why." He says.
I finally manage to look at him and say "Could you at least elaborate a bit?"
"I don't know, I just., really like you so when you were sleeping on Darren's shoulder I got a bit.. upset." He says.

I couldn't believe my ears. He liked me the way I liked him. He must've known I felt the same way because after we made eye contact he placed his hand within my hair and kissed me.
It was slow and passionate, it didn't last long but I absolutely loved it.
"So, are we uhm.." he paused "" He finished.

"If you want to date then I'm alright with that, but it'll have to be on the down low because of the obvious." I say

"Sounds good to me." He says while planting a quick kiss on my forehead and heading out of the room.

I lay back on the bed and sigh. Then I basically have a seizure and try not to squeal.

328 words
QOTD- If you like kpop, what is your fave gg or bg?

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