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"What am I supposed to sound like than?" He asks while giggling a bit.
"I don't know. It's just that you dress kind of like a soft boy but your voice is.. deep? I don't know.." I say  while blushing like crazy.
"Is that so? You don't like it?" He asks sounding as if he's talking to a child.
"No. I don't care about it. Well I do because I like it but-" I get cut off.
"I get it. Your cute when you stutter." He says while looking back at his phone.

What the fuck. What kinda game is he playing?
I just grabbed the popcorn bowls and brought it out to them while sitting next to Darren.
We giggled profusely throughout the movie causing us to get yelled at.

I eventually got a bit drowsy and passed out resting my head on Darren's shoulder.

Darren's POV:
The show was finally getting when Milli all of a sudden put her head on my shoulder causing me to jump a little. She looked so beautiful. I was so admired by her beauty I almost didn't see Ryan glaring angrily. I know he likes her too and I'm sure he has many more reasons to like her but I can't just stop it. I enjoy everything about her. Along with her just being here with me.

Ryan's POV:
I watch as Milli begins dozing off. I watch as her mouth slightly opens and I quietly chuckle. My thoughts get disrupted by her placing her head on his shoulder. I can't help but get angry at the sight. He's not doing anything but admiring her features but even just that makes my blood boil. I sit up and glare at them. I notice that he lifts his head up to look at me and he mouths the words:
"I'm sorry."
He looks back down at her and wraps her in a blanket while wrapping his arm around her and turning his attention back to the TV.
I get way to mad so I just grab my phone and walk up to my room.
Why is she doing this to me without even trying?

361 words used
QOTD- What is your comfort snack?
I thought I should mention I post every other day and I post two parts :)
Stay healthy <3

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