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It's always been my dream to be a kpop idol. I've always loved it but now, it seems like more of a chore than something I enjoy.
I don't want to go back to Korea and leave my brothers and his friends. I don't want to leave Ryan.

I only have a month left and I have to go back.
I Walk into Ryan's room after hearing him lowly say "come in."

I see he's playing a game and hug him quickly from behind before sitting in his bed.

"What's up?" He asks, I can hear him smile along with his question.

"Nothing really, just bored."  I answer and start playing with my thumb.

Should we go out?" He asks while turning to me and taking off his headphones.

"I'm not sure. I kind of want to stay in." I answer and look at him.

He smiles and my heart flutters. I blush and smile back like a fool before looking down to avoid his eyes.

He gets out of his chair and towers above me before lifting my chin to allow my eyes to meet his. I blush harder and he smiles.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I instantly nod.

He leans in and I shut my eyes. His lips finally land on mine, a spark warming my entire body and butterflies swarming my stomach.

He goes from leaning down to squatting, matching my height. He never removes his lips from mine while doing so.
If anything, the pressure he applied became more heavy and the kiss had felt more confident. Almost like he was certain he wanted to kiss me.

He pulls away and he and I catch our breath. He smiles at me again, warming my body.

I chuckle and he asks "Why are you laughing? Hm?"

"I never thought id be kissing the one and only azngami." I say with a bit of sass and sarcasm. He laughs too and kisses me again.

"We should watch a movie." He says and then drags me downstairs.

"Scary?" I ask and he just smiles mischievously.
After  good 30 minutes the movie actually began getting scary. He placed a blanket over us in the beginning of the movie so we could hold hands under the blanket without the other members thinking much of anything.

I get scared and squeeze his hand under the blanket. He smiles to himself. He stops holding hands with me and slides his hand onto my thigh, doing soft circles to attempt to calm me down.

It did the opposite though. My eyes were wide. It made me more tempted to be 'scared'.
I think to myself and decide to pretend to get scared to see his reaction.

I get 'startled' and jump a smidge. His hand moves slightly before giving it a light squeeze. I blush and he notices.

He laughs at me before turning back to the movie.

I hear sumn purring babes 🤭
I'll start updating more. If you guys like stranger things, read my new book! :)
QOTD: what style/aesthetic do you find the most pleasing?
Stay safe and healthy, I love you all.

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