Chapter 119

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A/N: For those who wanted a Chris POV scene to see how he was feeling - here it is. I know that it probably seems like everything's going wrong right now, but don't worry, things are going to get better real soon...
I hope you like this scene - I really, really struggled with writing it, and if it hadn't been for my friend Crystalmagic13 helping me with brainstorming and answering endless questions, I'm not sure I'd have managed it. If you follow her link, you'll see that she's also writing a Chris Evans fanfic called Sliding into my DMs - I definitely recommend it as it's amazing - go check it out.
Catherine xx

Boston, 7.35pm EST
Chris pulled onto his mom's driveway and killed the engine. He wiped his face and rested his forehead against the steering wheel, waiting for his stomach to settle and for the throbbing in his head to ease.
Less than a minute later the front door opened and Scotty peered into the car.
'Yeah, it's him, Mom. He's here.' He called back into the house.
Scotty wrenched the car door open. 'Where the fuck have you been? Everyone's been looking for you!'
'Man, you look like shit.' He added.
'I feel it.'
As they walked into the house, his mom came rushing over.
'She's been worried about you.' Scotty whispered.
He could see the concern on his mom's face as she pulled him into a hug.
Great. Another thing to feel shitty about.
'Oh, Chris.' She said.
'I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.'
'That's okay. You're here now, safe and sound.'
'Becs has gone, Mom. She's gone home.'
'I'm so sorry, Chris.'
'And I'm in trouble at work. Everything's gone to shit. And it's all my fault.'
She hugged him for a minute longer and then let go. 'I'm sure it's not all your fault. But let's go through to the kitchen and get you a hot drink and you can tell me all about it.' She said.
He nodded.
'Scotty, perhaps you can get in touch with Robert and Scarlett and let them know that Chris is here and that he's okay?'
'Sure, Mom.' Scotty replied.
Chris followed his Mom through to the kitchen and sat down while she made him a hot drink.
'It's chamomile tea.' She said, putting it down in front of him. 'It'll soothe your stomach and help you relax.'
Becs made me camomile tea.
She waited while he drank some of it.
'So, can you tell me what's happened?' She asked, gently.
'Everything's gone wrong, Mom.' He said, shaking his head. 'Everything. I don't even know where to start.'
Scotty walked into the kitchen. 'I've messaged Scarlett and Rob.' He said. 'I'll just grab my drink and get out of your hair.' He added.
'No, you're alright Scotty - sit down.' Chris said.
'You sure?'
This way I only have to face talking about it once.
His mom waited a bit longer, then when he didn't continue, she prompted. 'Robert said that you'd had a bit of a fight with Becs.'
'More than a bit of a fight.' He said, rubbing his aching eyes. 'It's done. She's gone.' His voice broke.
'I just miss her so much, Mom. I can't stop thinking about her.'
His mom smoothed his hair.
'She just left, Mom. Just went back to England as though I meant nothing to her!'
'I thought she felt...' He shook his head. 'Maybe not what I felt, but something.'
'But what happened? I thought you guys were getting on great?' Scotty asked.
Yeah, me too.
'We were. Well, I thought we were anyway - guess I was wrong.' He added morosely.
His mom frowned slightly. 'You know, she seemed very fond of you at Thanksgiving.'
'You didn't hear her didn't hear what she said! I heard her tell her friend that I'm not normal! That she's embarrassed to be seen out with me in case I have a panic attack!'
'What?' Scotty sounded confused.
'Yeah. Embarrassed.' Chris repeated, bitterly.
'But that can't be right.' Scotty said, shaking his head. 'You had a panic attack at my gig and she didn't seem embarrassed at all - she was really cool about it.'
'I don't know what to tell you Scotty.'
'Chris.' His mom said gently. 'Are you sure that's what she said?'
'Yes, of course I am. What sort of question's that?'
'Well, you know that sometimes you can get things mixed up in your head. And you'd said before that Becs had no problem with your anxiety.'
'Well, clearly she changed her mind. Or she was lying in the first place - I don't know!'
'You know, people can say things they don't mean in the heat of the argument.' His mom pointed out.
What, like telling someone they're nothing special?
'But it wasn't just what she said - she always avoided going out with me in public, she wouldn't introduce me to any of her friends. I don't think she told a single person about me. She even lied to her mom about who I was.'
'Well, granted that doesn't sound good. Did you try talking to her about it?' His mom asked.
'I tried to call her yesterday, but she's blocked me again.' He admitted with a humourless laugh. 'Besides it doesn't matter now. It doesn't matter what she said or what she really thinks - she's back with her ex. She's gone home with him.'
'Yeah, Robert told us. I'm really sorry.' Scotty said.
Robert? How the hell does he know?
Chris frowned. 'How'd he find out?'
'He must have seen the same Facebook post as you.'
'Facebook post?'
What's he talking about?
'Yeah. Didn't you see it?'
'No.' Chris said.
'How'd you find out then?'
'I went to her place today - Scarlett talked me into going round there and apologising to see if we could sort things out, but Becs wasn't there. Her friend Ella was though, and she took great pleasure in telling me that Becs had gone home...with Justin.'
'She was pretty mad at me. I guess I deserved it for the stuff I said to Becs.' He added.
'What did you say?'
'Lots of stuff I didn't mean. Not that it matters now.' He said glumly.
'But there was a Facebook post?' He asked Scotty. 'Will you show it to me?'
'You sure you wanna see it?'
No. But it'll eat away at me until I do.
Scotty tapped and swiped on his phone for a moment before handing it over. 'There.' He said.
The stab in his chest was almost physically painful as he looked at the picture of Becs and Justin, arms round each other and smiling at the camera. And the wording - 'look who's finally come home' - didn't that just say it all?
'I don't know what to do anymore Mom - everything I do just seems to make things worse.'
'Well, the first thing you need to do is start looking after yourself a bit better.' His mom said firmly. 'Have you been taking your anxiety meds?'
He shook his head.
'And I can tell that you've been drinking a lot.'
'I just...' he cleared his throat. 'I just thought it might make me forget about her for a bit - forget how much it hurts.'
'Oh honey, you know that's not the answer, drinking only makes you feel worse.'
'I know.' He sighed. 'Feige threatened to tear up my contract and recast Captain America if I didn't pull myself together.'
'Shit!' Scotty said.
His mom was quiet for a moment. 'Chris, I liked Becs, I really did, and I thought you two were good together, but you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's not good for you.'
'But she was the one! I know she was. How can it be over?'
He rubbed his hands over his face. 'This is all my fault - I should have listened to you, Mom. I should have told her how I felt ages ago, then maybe she'd still be here.'
'Wait - you mean you never told her?' Scotty asked.
'No. I was going to that night, but once her ex turned up it all went wrong.'
'Well, maybe it's not too late.' Scotty suggested. 'Go over there now and tell her!'
He didn't miss the 'shut up' glare that his Mom shot at Scotty.
Chris shook his head. 'I dunno - I think that maybe it is too late.' He looked at his Mom for guidance. 'Mom - what do you think?'
'I'm really sorry honey, but I think she's made her choice. She's chosen to go back to England and back to her relationship. And I think you need to accept that.'
He heard the unspoken 'and pull yourself together'.
'Yeah.' He said gruffly, swallowing against the lump in his throat. 'I just miss her so much, Mom - all the time.'
'I know honey. But it will get easier, I promise. And Christmas is just around the corner, you know how much you love that.'
'Yeah.' He said flatly.
It won't be the same without Becs - I was going to show her the lights and share all my favourite Christmas movies with her.
I wanted to see her face when she opened the gift I've got her.

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