Chapter 83

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING. Before you read this chapter, I wanted to let you know that it mentions pregnancy loss, which I know can be a big trigger for some of you. If you're one of those people, just feel free to skip this chapter - I've written it deliberately so that you won't miss anything vital. Cxxxx

After a while, Chris's mum came outside, followed by Carly, who looked a lot better.
'Aww, look at that.' Lisa said, smiling at Evie sitting on Becca's lap.
Becca looked away, kind of embarrassed, and was glad when Carly changed the subject.
'I'm sorry about before - I'm not feeling 100% today.' Carly said, and Becca saw a look pass between mother and daughter.
Don't mention the pregnancy.
'Sorry to hear that.' Becca said carefully. 'I hope you feel better soon.
'I'm sure I will. I think it's just something I ate.' Carly said.
There was a slight pause in the conversation, then Chris said, 'Becs knows that you're pregnant Carly, I told her.'
What? What happened to 'don't say anything'?
'What?!' Carly shrieked.
Oh God, this is awkward.
'I'd asked her not to let on she knew, but I can see that's just making everyone lie.'
'What the hell gives you the right? You know how I feel about this!'
'I'm sorry.' Chris said.
'When? When did you tell her?' Carly demanded.
'About a month ago.'
'A month? A month?! No one knew a month ago! Even my best friend didn't know a month ago!' Carly shouted.
God, I want to get out of here. Can I just leave? Would that be rude?
Evie wasn't looking too happy with all the shouting either.
'Carly...' Lisa said, in a calming tone, obviously trying to defuse the situation.
'Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't tell anyone, but-' Chris began.
'Who else have you told?'
'No one else.'
'Then why? Why'd you tell her?' Carly carried on shouting. 'You're not dating, you barely know her!'
And that's my cue to leave.
Becca stood up with Evie in her arms, causing all of them to stop and look at her. 'I'm taking Evie over there.' She said, not making eye contact with anyone.
'Let's go and see what Ethan's doing.' She said to Evie.
She heard Chris say 'Becs.' as she walked away, but she carried on and Carly continued shouting.
Oh God, that was awful. His sister is obviously going to hate me now. Maybe I should just leave.
Ethan was sitting on the grass, looking at his phone.
'Hey Ethan. Do you mind if we come and sit with you for a minute?' Becca asked, sitting down herself.
Ethan shook his head. 'Why's my mom mad at Uncle Chris?' He asked, looking over at them.
How do I explain this without mentioning the pregnancy? He may not know.
'Umm...he told me something that he wasn't meant to.' She hedged.
'Oh, you mean about the baby?' Ethan asked.
'Yes. You know about that then?'
'Yeah, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone about it until my mom says it's okay.'
Becca nodded. 'Well, I don't think your Uncle Chris was supposed to tell anyone either - that's why your mum's cross.'
Becca glanced back over and saw that Lisa was now speaking to Carly and looking serious, but she couldn't hear what was being said.
'She's not really mad, you know.' Ethan said.
Could've fooled me.
'She just gets like that because of the baby.' He continued. 'Dad says the baby makes her brain go haywire and she gets riled up over silly things. But five minutes later she feels really bad about shouting and says sorry.'
Hmm, not sure she's going to in this case.
Ethan handed his phone to Evie, who had been reaching for it.
'She can't really use a phone.' He explained to Becca. 'She just likes to hold it and press stuff.'
Becca smiled.
This kid is so sweet.
'Mom's coming over.' He said, and Becca looked over warily.
Is it my turn to get shouted at?
'Ethan, can you take Evie over to see Grandma Lisa, please?' Carly said.
Ethan stood up, took Evie by the hand and walked off.
'No, don't stand up.' Carly said, as Becca had started to get up. 'I'll come down there.' And she sat herself on the grass near Becca.
Oh God, what do I say to her? Should I say 'sorry' for Chris telling me? Or will that just set her off again?
'I'm so sorry.' Carly said seriously. 'That was...unforgivably rude of me.'
'Oh...umm...that's okay.'
'No, it really isn't. I never should have said those things, and I shouldn't have caused such a scene.'
Becca didn't know how to respond to that, so she stayed quiet.
'I don't know who's more mad at me - Mom's mortified because it's your first visit to our house, and Chris is pissed because I yelled at you.'
'Well, you didn't really yell at me, more like about me.' Becca said, attempting humour.
'He's still pissed.' Carly said.
'He'll get over it.' Becca said. 'I know that I haven't known him that long, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who bears a grudge.'
'You wouldn't say that if you'd been here when Scotty was nine and cut the head off Chris's favourite stuffed toy.' Carly said with a small smile. 'He didn't speak to Scotty for weeks.'
Becca laughed.
'Well, at least you didn't do anything as terrible as that.' Becca joked.
'No.' Carly said. 'I really am sorry though.' She added.
'Don't worry about it. It's really okay.' Becca said. 'And you know, Chris didn't mean to tell me about the baby - he was talking about something and it just kind of slipped out. He felt really bad about it afterwards.'
Becca glanced at Carly, but she was staring at the floor, plucking blades of grass, as though she had something on her mind.
'I lost a baby once.' Carly said softly.
Oh no.
'I'm sorry, I didn't know.' Becca said gently. 'Chris didn't say.'
'Ethan was three years old, and the pregnancy was completely normal for the first five months, but then I lost her. A little girl. We called her Sarah. I'd just started to really show, and everyone knew, so then we had to tell them that...' Carly's voice cracked.
That's so sad.
Becca reached over and squeezed Carly's hand.
'And then when I was pregnant with Stella, I didn't dare tell anyone for so long. And I guess I'm still feeling like that.'
Oh God, no wonder she reacted like that to Chris telling me.
'Thank you, for telling me.'
Carly gave a forced smile.
'That's okay. I just...I wanted you to understand, so you didn't think I reacted like that because I was a bitch, or that you weren't welcome here.'
Becca smiled at her. 'I never thought that.' She lied.
Not at all.
'I'm pretty sure that was the main reason that Chris was mad - he said that you'd think I didn't want you here. And that couldn't be further from the truth - we're all really glad you're here.'
'Err...thanks.' Becca said, feeling a little uncomfortable with the compliment.
'Well, I'm going to go and see if mom needs any help with lunch.' Carly said, getting up.
Becca was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Chris coming over.
'Hey.' He said, briefly giving her head an affectionate stroke and then sitting down next to her. 'You okay?'
'Yeah, I'm fine.' She said with a smile.
'I'm really sorry about-' he began.
'It's okay, you don't need to apologise.' Becca said, interrupting him.
'But Carly shouldn't have-'
'She already said sorry.'
'Yeah, but-'
'She also told me about Sarah.' Becca said quietly. 'So I understand why she reacted like that.'
'Oh. Right.' He said. 'But you're okay?'
'Absolutely fine.' Becca said with a smile. 'It already forgotten.'
'Okay. Well, mom says that dinner will be ready in about half an hour, so do you want a quick walk beforehand? I could give you a tour of the garden.'
'Sure, why not.' Becca said, getting up.

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