𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒎

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1.09 || it's a good luck charm

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Lacey walks into the house, smiling softly to herself when she hears the familiar sound of video games, followed by Liam and Mason's voices. "Hey, you two having fun?" Lacey asks, leaning on the doorframe and both boys look up. 

"You're back. Everything okay?" Liam asks.

"Everything's perfectly fine. We finished up everything that we needed to. Thank God that's all over." Lacey says and she sees the relieved look on Liam's face. 

"What homework project are you dramatizing this time, Lace?" Mason asks.

"Excuse you, Hewitt, I don't dramatize anything." Lacey retorts and he grins. "I'm going to bed." She says, patting the doorframe before pushing away from it. 

"You been practicing or did you suddenly gain superhuman reflexes?" She hears Mason ask.

"Yeah, Practicing. I've been practicing." Liam responds and she rolls her eyes at how obvious a lie that was.

"Well, I should be studying." Mason retorts.

"Where are you going?" Liam asks.

"Home? I've got a History test tomorrow." Mason responds.

"Come on. One more game." Liam tries.

"Yeah, you said that, four games ago." Mason responds and Lacey frowns slightly in confusion.

"Well, study here. You can stay over." Liam tries. "Come on, one more game. Just one."

"You okay?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, you're right. You should go. I should probably study too." Liam says after a moment. "See you at school." 

Lacey smiles softly at Mason as he leaves before knocking on her brother's door and he looks up at her from where he's sitting on the floor. "You wanna play a game with me?" Lacey asks and he hesitates, glancing at the screen before offering her the other controller and she moves to sit down next to him, crossing her legs. "So, what was all that about?" She asks as he hits play. 

"What?" Liam asks.

"With Mason then. It's not like he can never come over." Lacey says.

"We just haven't had a chance to do this in a while." Liam responds.

"That's not what's going on with you, Li, and you know it. What is it?" She asks softly and he glances at her. 

"I've been having nightmares." He says.

"About what?" Lacey asks, selecting her character.

"The Berserkers." He responds and she glances at him. "From that night at the hospital. When Kira and I went up there." He adds. 

"Bad nightmares?" She asks, her brows drawn together in concern and he shrugs. "Li?" She pushes. 

"Pretty bad." He admits and she knocks her shoulder against his. 

"Hey, if you can't sleep, you know where to find me." Lacey says and he looks at her before nodding. 

She stirs that night when she hears a knock on her bedroom door and she turns to look. "C'mon." She mumbles when she sees him standing in the doorway and he walks into the room, shutting the door before climbing into her bed with her.

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