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He couldn't keep up anymore, he was going to escape this good-for-nothing facility...

---- (A/n 096 will be able to kind of control himself when someone sees his face)


The SCPs were going absolute haywire, all using this opportunity to escape. 682, 079, 035, 105, 049 and 096 had all teamed up and blasted a giant hole on the side of the facility, granting them freedom. Gunshots and screams were heard as the SCPs flew out of the hole and into a forest. 

All of the SCPs were out of breath, 049 and 079 could barely stand because of how tired they were. "How... did... we become... f*cking.... dragons?" 682 gasped while panting. "U-urm, it MIGHT'VE been me," 096 squeaked, "WHAT?"

~Timeskip to after explaining~ 

"So they put you through that pain JUST for their entertainment?!" 106 roared in fury, he did NOT like people hurting his 096. "Y-yeah but it's fine! I k-kind of, killed them?" Before anyone could respond, a glowing portal opened behind 096 and started sucking the lanky dragon in. 096 screeched as he disappeared through the portal, one by one the other SCPs were sucked in as well, to a different dimension...   

096 awoken from rapid shaking by 106, groaning he got up as 106 moved away from him. "Urgh, where are we?" 096 asked, still crying. 049 looked around before answering "it seems that we're on some sort of b-" before he could finish, roars were heard behind them as chains wrapped around them, spears were impaled into 682 as he protected 079. Soon enough, they were all unable to move as they were transported to some sort of castle. They were chained up on high platforms which surrounded an arena with other dragons... 

A blood-red dragon came from a platform in front of the area. "Welcome to today's battle!" 035 shifted his gaze to see a colour changing dragon on a fake mini tree. "Well, what do you think of my new art?" 'That's not art! That's a dragon! Is she crazy?' 035 thought. 

"BRING IN THE COMBATANTS!" The dragon boomed. An orange and yellow dragon came through a hole on the side of the arena as the crowd cheered to life. "GET OFF!" 079 saw a strange yellow dragon next to him get picked up by guards and taken to the arena, 'do we have to fight to death?!' He thought. "After four victories, Horizon, the sandwing-formerly and unwisely, soldier in blaze's army- has been challenged to a match with the queens champion, Peril." A dragon over the 'queen' roared. 'So, she's a queen? Looks weak, I could definitely defeat her with a single slash,' 682 though with a smirk. "Claws up, teeth ready, FIGHT!" The sandwing then ran backwards towards an exit, 'what is he doing? Isn't he bigger than her?" 106 thought as his chains slowly withered away. Peril then flew in front of him and SOMEHOW, fire came out of her hand. The SCPs were staring at the battle in amazement, the 'sandwing' was backed up against the wall. 'Peril' placed a hand(paw? Idk) on his wing as he screeched in pain. 096 huddled back as far as he could. Suddenly, the 'sandwing' leaped towards Peril and caught up in blazes. 'He accepted death?' 096 thought as he silently cried. 

"Well, that was boring," the queen stated, looking very annoyed. "I hope tomorrow someone will at least TRY to amuse me. TODAY'S GAMES ARE OVER!" The dragons in the seats (idk what they are called) left, leaving the prisoners all alone for the night.

~Timeskip to morning~

"Welcome back dragons to another game!" The queen again announced, "today will be rather special as he have found some unknown species of dragons!" The crowd all immediately got curious about the dragon. "BRING IN THE COMBATANTS!" 


The SCPs all recognized the voice as they looked towards 096 who was being carried by guards while thrashing around. The dumped him into the arena as all the dragons stared at him. 096 covered his face to prevent anyone looking at it with his paws and huddled up against the wall. All the dragons in the seats looked at him to get a better look and started to throw insults at him. "Look at him! He's so skinny!" "What a scaredy cat!" "I wonder what he is, he sure looks weak! HAHA!" 

"I give you! Winter-rose of the icewings!" A snow-white dragon was found across 096, glaring daggers at him. "And a mysterious lanky dragon, found on the beach with 5 other unknown dragons! CLAWS UP, TEETH READY, FIGHT!" The crowd roared to life as Winter-rose leaped at 096, which he dodged just in time. "Grrr, stop dodging you pipsqueak and battle me!" Winter-rose roared as 096 kept dodging her attacks. He didn't want to die, not now. 096 stopped and got to his full height, towering over Winter-rose, the crowd gasped and cheered. 'I-if you want me to attack, THEN I WILL!" 096 opened his mouth and blasted plasma at Winter-rose, cries and roars were heard as she melted and burned away with crackles. All was left of her was a hole in the sand and a bit of her tail. 

The crowd cheered, amazed by 096. The queen which 096 found out to be called Scarlet laughed and laughed. "Amazing! I am truly amazed and glad SOMEONE decided to amuse me!" The other prisoners minus the SCPs were all dumbstruck, 096 was quickly taken back to his pillar and chained up with extra restrains. "Now for the next game!" The queen roared. After last month's battle with Blaze's army, my dungeons were stuffed with icewing prisoners of war. Only five have survived, after two wins. Here's - Fjord of the icewings!" The queen announced "And in this corner, I'm sure a legendary dragonet of destiny will have no problem surviving my little arena. Isn't that right, Clay of the mudwings?" "CLAWS UP, TEETH READY, FIGHT!"

"Uh, hello, Fjord right?" Clay spoke, "I've never met an icewing before, I've never met much of anyone really. I didn't realize ice would look so, you know, blue. Very surprising." 

"BOO SOMEBODY BITE SOMEONE!" A dragon from the seats roared, the battle was indeed, boring. "Are you trying to get us both killed? Shut up and let me kill you," Fjord scowled, "I'd rather not. Do we have to fight?" Clay looked at Starflight, who was pointing at his mouth. 'What is he trying to tell me?' Clay thought then it struck him. He moved out of the way just to dode almost being frozen alive. 'OOWWWW! Oh, right, icewings have freezing death breath. thanks, Starflight.' Clay got up and saw that Fjord was going to do it again. He instantly blasted fire at Fjord as the crowd got more impatient. 


Clay pounced onto Fjord, "What is WRONG with you? This isn't how mudwings fight! I was trained in mudwing techniques!" "Well, I wasn't" Clay chocked Fjord

~skip the whole fight I'm lazy very sorry~

It was nighttime (pretend 096 and Clays pillars are next to each other) and 096 couldn't sleep, neither could Clay. "Hey, um, sir?" 096 turned his head to see Clay, "Uh, may I know your name? Also, your fight was amazing!" 096 tilted his head, "M-my name is 096..." Clay was shocked to know that his name were numbers, "but m-my friends call me shy." 

"Right, makes sense!" Clay said, "hm, what wing are you?" 096 just stared at him, "u-uh, well, you might not understand but we're from a different universe..." 


~After explain sorry for all the timeskips~

"So, you just escaped a facility which treated you as lab rats and you somehow ended up here? That's amazing! Except for the experimenting part..." Clay exclaimed but kind of mumbled the last part. "Y-yeah I guess so." A small glow approached Clay to find that it was Peril. 

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