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"Compelling," Glory said. "Except for the part where she's killing off all her daughters."


Tsunami stared at Glory, too shocked to respond. 

"Well, wait," Clay said. "That's just a theory."

"A good theory," Starflight observed. "With her daughter dead, and no sisters either, no one will be able to challenge her for the throne. She could be queen for a hundred years and die peacefully in her sleep instead of combat. " 

Sunny pulled the egg closer while 096 patted it reassuringly. "No!" Tsunami blurted. "You're so wrong! She would never- you haven't seen how protective she is. I mean, look at how she takes care of Anemone ." 

"Like a crazy dragon," 682 interjected, waving a smoky fish at Tsunami. 

"It's a good way to make herself look innocent," Starflight offered. "Besides, think about when the murders started." He waited, with an 'isn't it obvious?' look on his face.

"Oh dear," Clay said, rubbing his head. "Did we really study this?" 

"I don't know either," Sunny whispered to him.

"The hell are you guys talking about?" 035 interjected.

"Starflight," Tsunami growled. "Just tell us."

"Very well," he said. "It was right after the only challenge Queen Coral has ever faced. Her first clutch of eggs had one female in it named-"

"Orca," Tsunami guessed.  

Starflight nod by accident when she challenged her moment with a pleased expression. "She almost the queen was full grown. I'm sure Orca almost killed her Queen Coral was more shocked than anyone. Especially Orca almost killed her Queen Coral only won on impaling Orca with her narwhal : horn she has at the end of her tail." 

"So?" Tsunami said. "Why would that make her murder all her future daughters?" 

"Seriously?" 106 scoffed. "She saw how close she could come to death. She realized if she let any of her female children grow up, she might be dead within seven years," Glory stated. "Much easier to kill them all in their eggs, or as little dragonets, before they become a threat." 

"Stop it!" Tsunami cried. She clutched her head, "she's not like that. She loves her daughters. When she found the other egg broken-" Tsunami suddenly stopped. She backed up and started telling them the whole story, about the council, her mother's scrolls, the mysterious dragon who'd tried to kill her in the tunnel, and the way Queen Coral reacted when Tortoise failed her.

"So you see," she finished, "it can't be her killing off the female dragonets. She wants them alive more than anyone."

"Someone tried to kill you?" Clay said, "are you alright?"

"I'd like to know what happened to is if they'd succeeded," Glory said angrily. "Me too," said 035.

"Are you saying Sunny's in danger now?" Starflight demanded at the same time. "Because of the egg? Why would you do that to her?" "I don't mind," Sunny said, cuddling the egg to her chest. "No, listen," Tsunami pleaded. She took a step back toward the cave entrance. "Don't you see? We're doing a good thing by keeping this egg alive. And now Queen Coral has to take care of all of us because we're protecting her daughter. She can't chain you up and not feed you anymore- if that was even her idea in the first place." 

Glory and Starflight exchanged 'yeah, right' glances. Tsunami frowned at them. 

"I'd rather leave the egg in the hatchery for Coral to grieve herself, she kind of deserves it if she's been this stupid thinking the assassin can't do anything if she posted guards outside of it. What if the assassin has a tunnel leading to it outside the Summer Palace? What if the assassin's been in the hatchery this whole time?" Said 079 with an annoyed look. 

All the dragons except Tsunami agreed, there was a chance that the assassin could be in the royal hatchery this whole time. And no one would've guessed, until now.

"But that's impossible!" Tsunami exclaimed, how could they stay in the hatchery for so long? And where would they hide? In addition, they would die of starvation unless someone was sending food to them every day!"

079 rolled his eyes, "how about using that peanut brain of yours? What if the assassin IS NOT a dragon?" He said while 173 let out an offended sound. 

"Tsunami, it doesn't like you're safe here, maybe we should leave," Clay suggested. "Or, we could go and you can stay!" Glory said. "No! I'm not leaving this egg! And we can't split up, we have to fulfill the prophecy together," Sunny cried. "I agree with Sunny, plus, we have to meet Blister. That was the whole point of coming." Starflight said. 

"Oh how about we leave since we didn't even have anything to do with the prophecy. Man, we just appeared out of nowhere, and yet you're here saying that we should all stick together!" 035 said. 

"That's the good part! In the prophecy, it says that 6 other dragons are supposed to just appear and help us!" Glory said. "Well it might not be us!" 173 somehow deadpanned. The dragons continued to argue until 049 spoke up. "SHUT UP! How about we sleep for now and just deal with this nonsense tomorrow?" 

"Alright.." the dragons grumbled as they went off to sleep

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