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~Time skip I'm sorry but my hands can't take it, quick recap: Tsunami just fought a dragon called Gill and Starflight was forced to fight Tsunami but ended up cuddling each other, then Starflight was forced to fight 4 or 5 icewings but Morrowseer came in and just took Starflight and then Peril and Clay had to fight each other, this is the part where Glory 'wakes up'~

"HSSSSSSS!" Glory was seen turning a dangerous shade of red as she flew up and shot venom at Burn but grabbed Queen Scarlet and used her as a shield. "RRAAAHH! GAAAAHHHH!" Queen Scarlet roared in agony, staggering around. 


Havoc came from the crowd. "What was that?" "It's a sandwing attack!" "No! It's the nightwings again!" "Scarlet is DEAD!" "We're DOOMED!" "RUN! FLY WHILE YOU CAN!" All the dragons in the seats fled from the arena as guards took Queen Scarlet to the medic's bay. "Did you see who did that?" "Is the queen dying!" Medic!" "AAAAA! AAAAAH!"

There was an awkward silence in the arena and from the SCPs which 106 had just transported them to the arena. "What just happened?" Tsunami finally asked, breaking the silence. "Glory! You're awake!" Clay exclaimed as he climbed onto the platform. "Of course, I am! Couldn't you tell I was faking? You seriously thought I was asleep this whole time?" Glory shot at him. "Uh-"

"You looked pretty asleep," Tsunami piped in. "Well, that's great. For the first time in my life, I pretend to be as lazy as everyone says rainwings are. And you actually believe it. So glad my friends have so much faith in me." Glory explained. "We have to get out of here. Glory scared burn off, but she won't stay gone long," Tsunami spluttered. Just as the SCPs and dragonets were leaving, a familiar voice was heard, "Clay wait!" Peril came flying towards Clay with a finger outstretched, she melted away Clay's chains with a sizzle. Clay stretched his wings, 'thanks peril, now my friends?" There was a moment of silence, "please, if we're really friends," Clay begged. "All right."

Peril milted away Tsunami and Glory's chains and restrains while 106 and 035 melted the other's chains away with their acid. "Now take us to Sunny," Clay demanded.

~Time and scene skip~

"Glory you never told us you could shoot venom!" Clay called while flying. "I never could before," Glory stated. "But how did you do it?" "Oh well, there's a logical scientific explanation and seriously, right now you want to have a conversation?" Glory scoffed. The dragonets and SCPs along with Peril entered an empty room which only had a golden cage which held Sunny. "Sunny!" Clay cried, "I knew you'd be alright! I just kept thinking about the prophecy and how we can't die because we have to stop the war!" 

Peril melted away the lock with a sizzle and snap, "wait, where's Starflight?" Sunny asked. "He's all right, escape now, explain later," 035 responded. Peril made her way out but abruptly stopped later, "Clay, wait. My mother! If Queen Scarlet isn't dead, she'll kill her!" Soon, every other dragon came out, "you're right, we have to get Kestrel out," Clay agreed. "Why? What do we care?" Tsunami asked with a scowl. 

"I wonder why they hate Kestrel so much," 035 whispered to 049 who just shrugged. "We care, we can't help it, she raised us," Sunny added, "I don't, she was going to kill me," Glory argued. "She didn't raise us to care for her, she raised us to stay alive," Tsunami reminded. 

"I want to be something more than alive; I want to be the kind dragon of dragon she doesn't think I am - the kind they write prophecies about." Clay explained, "that kind of dragon would rescue her no matter how awful she is." 

"Some sort of mini speech that is," 106 whispered to 096, leaning a bit. "Larry be nice," 096 reminded. 

"Fine," Tsunami shot, "do what you like, but I'm not a mushy ball of forgiveness like you, Clay," Glory added. 

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