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"You were amazing today, same with you," she stated, looking at 096. "I have no idea what you did. I was looking at the prisoners then suddenly - that was scarier than ME." "How did you do that? You don't have to tell me, in case you do it to me. You probably will." 

"I never thought about what it might be for prisoners, watching me kill over dragons. But I saw that - and now I'm thinking, that's going to happen to me. So, but still amazing." "You too! I'm surprised to see something so powerful come from such a skinny dragon, no offence. Also, what's your name?" 096 wasn't paying attention until Peril asked him his name, his head perked up lighting speed, "U-uh well m-my name is 096 b-but you could call my Shy!" He stuttered. "Stop, Peril, it wasn't me." Clay spoke up, "it's all right, I'd keep it a secret too."

~Time skip~

106 woke up from chatter and shouting. His chains were already destroyed by his acid but he wanted to make sure he acted at the correct time. He saw the queen grabbing an old, wingless dragon by her rear talons and throwing him from a giant height. He saw Peril go after him and he immediately knew that he was very important. He didn't really care if he died but he remembered 096 talking to Peril, and he didn't want to make 096 sad just because he allowed someone special to his friend die. Just as the old dragon's hand slipped from Perils, 106 flew like the wind towards the old dragon and caught him by his rear talons. Scarlet had only just returned to her platform and didn't notice 106. 

106 put a talon to his mouth as Peril nodded and followed along. "But he was my friend..." she called, "not anymore," Queen Scarlet shot back. "The champion has asked to stand for the prisoner, I'll choose her opponent and they'll battle at the end of tomorrow's games. If Peril wins, Kestrel goes free, if not, I'll have a dead champion - but at least we'll get to execute Kestrel right away. What a wonderfully bloody day for me and queen burn!"

'Poor Kestrel, poor Peril,' Clay thought, 'wait, Queen Burn? She'll take Sunny!' 

Suddenly, on the horizon, a giant sandwing flew towards Queen Scarlets castle. Just as she entered, a strange musical rhythm started. 096 looked to his left to find Clay playing music on his chains. Then, everyone started to sing, one by one, they all sang. Except for the SCPs of course. 

Oh, the dragonets are coming...

They're coming to save the day...

 They're coming to fight!

For they know what's right!





Before the prisoners could finish, the sandwing from before roared, "STOP THAT INFERNAL NOISE!" Scarlet looked around, "bring the three troublemakers and the unknown dragons.' Soon enough, the SCPs and 3 other dragonets were taken to a room. "If anyone else sings, burn out their tounge," Queen Scarlet retorted. "You: out." Scarlet demanded as she pointed to Peril, "this is my room!" She argued, "OUT!" Peril hunched over, hanging her head as she left the room. "You interrupted my feast. You will not do so again." "Why don't we just kill them," the sandwing asked. "That wouldn't be fun. We have a whole day of entertainment planned for tomorrow. It's my hatching day! I want it to be thrilling." 

"I don't care about your 'fun.' We need to stop the prophecy. Let's kill them and get it over with," the sandwing scowled, 035 growled as he stretched out his wings a bit, acid dropping onto the floor from his mask. "Well... yes. But think, if we kill the dragonets now, out of sight, it does us no good. Even if we hang them from the palace walls, no one will believe it's them. But if he put the dragonets and the unknowns in the arena, everyone can see them die. They'll lose all faith in the prophecy, much more powerful that way, with grewsome visuals! Don't you agree?" Queen Scarlet explained. "What if they win?" The sandwing asked, "they won't. But killing them ourselves is a solid backup plan."

"You know we're right here, right?  Don't you want to hatch your evil plans somewhere more secretive?" An ocean blue dragon spoke up. 'Who do you think you'll tell before you die?" The sandwing shot at them as Scarlet dropped some coal and blew fire at it. The blazes rose up, forcing Clay backwards a bit. "I thought I'd get to play with you longer. But I guess you all have to die tomorrow; nobody lets me have any fun." 

"Sleep well so you'll be thrilling for my arena."

"I don't like them," Clay spoke up, "me neither," 049 added. "I'm so glad you're alive! You incredibly huge idiot." The blue dragon exclaimed as she nudged roughly at Clay. "So am I, but I'm glad you two are alive." 

"Playing that song was pretty smart Tsunami." The dragon known as 'Tsunami' tilted her head a little, "I thought you did that!" "It was me," Clay informed. "It was?" "Wow! Well done!" Tsunami looked towards the SCPs. "And may we know who you are? What you are?" Tsunami asked with a slight growl of protection. 

~Time skip~

"That's incredible, I never thought the universe had different dimensions!" Slarflight exclaimed, looking towards the others before looking back to find one of the SCPs missing. "Hey were's Shy?" Clay asked only to be frightened by a slightly burnt head stuck through the fire. "Hai," 096 simply stated, making the dragonets yelp. Another head popped out from behind the fire making all the dragons/dragonets yelp. "What's going on?"

"Peril! I thought you were mad at me!" Clay exclaimed, "I'm not mad at you." "I guess she can't hurt by flames?" Starflight asked. "That dragon is psychotic," Tsunami whispered with a glare, "keep your voice down," Starflight urged.

"Are you all right? Where have you been?" Clay asked worryingly. "Queen Scarlet is pretty furious with me. I didn't want her to take it out on you, like she did on, you know. Tsunami popped her head over Clay's, "can you help us escape?" She exclaimed, "I wish! That would make her madder than anything, but I can't get you through that fire." 

"What about Sunny? Can we get Sunny?" Clay added, "you found sunny? Starflight asked. "You talk about this Sunny a lot. Is she really that important?" Peril asked with a slight sadness in it. "YES!" Clay, Starflight and Tsunami exclaim in union. "Who is this Sunny anyway?" 079 beeps, "she's an incredible and close friend of ours," Starflight responded while 079 nodded at the end. "Peril, listen Sunny is like a little sister to us. To all of us."

Peril has a rather saddened look on her face, "a sister, right I understand." Peril spreads her wings a little, "her cage is in Queen Burn's quest chambers. I can sneak in and get her tomorrow during the area fights." "Oh, thank you!" Clay blurts and is about to hug Peril but remembers that he can't.  

Peril uses her talons to remove some coal to create a hole for the dragonets and SCPs to go through, while 683 and 096 just yeet themselves through the fire. After all of the dragons had escaped, Peril placed the coal back, "there, now she'll have no idea how you escaped. Follow me, I know a secret cave you can hide in," Peril adds as she does a 'follow me' motion with her talon. "Once you're free, what are you going to do?" "Find our parents! I've never been to the mudwing kingdom." Clay says, "and we'll probably be trying to find a way out of this strange planet and back to ours," 049 adds. 

"Since you can't fly, I'll go around and open the door from the other side, wait here." 

"Stop making her mad!" Tsunami exclaims, "me? What did I do?" 035 snorts a little. "Well, yo're a handsome idiot," Tsunami states. "She has a crush on you," Starflight said, rolling his eyes. "She does?" Clay asks, "It's pretty obvious brat," 682 growls. "And she deffinitley dosen't want to hear you talk about leaving, or rescuing other girls," Tsunami retorts. Suddenly, the door opens and Peril's head goes through, "ready to climb?" Clay spots a red dragon flying behind Peril, "Peril look out it's the queen! You can't be seen with us? She'll kill you! You have to hide!" Clay exclaims as he grabs Peril and pulls her in without thinking about how he could burn up. There as a moment of silence as everyone is shocked at how Clay hasn't burnt up yet. 

"Why - why aren't you burning up" Peril asks, "So you've finally figured it out," Queen Scarlet walked through the door. "Mudwings born from blood-red eggs have fireproof scales, didn't the talons of peace teach you anything?" 

"But... Kestrel used to burn me in the cave..." Clay remembered, "remember how fast you healed?" Tsunami piped up. "Thank you, Peril, you may be excused." Queen Scarlet said, "thank you...?" Clay asked, sounding broken. "Peril turned us in! I knew we couldn't trust her!" Tsunami roared. 

"Guards! Lock them up!" 

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